USA Today Disappointed Abortion Pill Not as Popular as Expected

With the dawn of home offices and online shopping people are able to do increasingly more from home. This leaves abortion proponents wondering why in-home abortions have not gained popularity.

On the 10th anniversary of the abortion pill Mifeprex, USA Today sympathized with proponents who were disappointed by the pill's mediocre acceptance. When it first came on the market, The New York Times deemed Mifeprex “the little white bombshell.” Mifeprex was expected to completely change the way abortion was provided in America.

Now 10 years out, the pill has proven to be less than revolutionary and USA Today is letting its proponents whine about it. What was expected to be so revolutionary about the abortion pill is that now physicians and patients have options. This medication option was created in hopes of appealing to physicians uncomfortable with surgical abortions.

USA Today writes, “[P]roponents expected that doctors and other health care providers, such as nurse practitioners, who didn't perform surgical abortions would incorporate the so-called abortion pill into their practices.” Apparently that did not appeal to enough physicians to please Mifeprex proponents. Instead they are disappointed that Mifeprex has not “[B]rought a major improvement in the geographic availability of abortion." However, “Some Planned Parenthood clinics that previously offered only family planning are now providing abortions with Mifeprex.”

One person very supportive of patients having options is Kirsten Moore, CEO of the Reproductive Health Technologies Project. She comments, “Women who favor an abortion via medication prefer "being able to experience an abortion in the comfort of their own home and surroundings," she says. But "if you're a mom with two young kids at home and a boyfriend who's not that helpful," you might prefer a surgical abortion.” Moore continues, "Abortion is a really individual experience.

Such “have it your way” options are better reserved for fast food restaurants than abortion clinics.

While the report provided a platform for Mifeprex proponents to draw attention to argue that 1.2 million abortions by Mifiprex isn't enough, it didn't make any room for opponents.

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