The View from the Bottom

The girls on The View are unanimous: Homosexuality is not only morally right but probably ought to be encouraged if we want to keep our military strong.

Okay, maybe mandating homosexuality in the military won't fly just yet. For now, the ABC morning show's talkers will have to be content fighting amongst themselves as to who is more outraged by Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Peter Pace, who told the Chicago Tribune that homosexuality, like adultery, is immoral.

The gals were in good media company. Not one of Tuesday's morning or evening news shows on ABC, NBC or CBS featured a single person defending the general's remarks or the military's don't ask, don't tell policy. The tone was overtly hostile, with stories moving smartly through a laundry list of talking points found on homosexual activist groups' Web sites, and frequent interviews with homosexual activists. General Pace got similar treatment in some newspapers, with the Washington Post managing a March 13 trifecta: an editorial, “The Right to Serve,” an op-ed by Republican homosexuality booster and former Wyoming senator Alan K. Simpson, “Bigotry That Hurts Our Military,” and a news article by Ann Scott Tyson, “Sharp Drop in Gays Discharged From Military Tied to War Need.”  How did we ever fight a war without scrapping the ban on homosexual behavior?

It's not as if the American people are clamoring for the military to welcome open homosexuality. Despite some profoundly abused and distorted polls like the recent Zogby survey of military personnel, a large segment of the American people believe, as General Pace does, that homosexual behavior is immoral. According to the Cultural and Media Institute's National Cultural Values Survey released on March 7, which polled 2,000 Americans, 49 percent say flatly that homosexuality is “wrong,” including 83 percent of the conservative religious segment, from which the military draws a high proportion of recruits. 

Only 14 percent of Americans say homosexuality is “right.”  The stampede to end the ban isn't coming from the public, but from the media and some liberal politicians backed by the homosexual lobby.

On The View, the ladies opened the March 13 program by trashing the general, who wasn't there to defend his honor.

Nor was anyone else inclined to do so, even designated “conservative” Elizabeth Hasselbeck, who normally serves as a foil on the liberal show. This time around, she joined the mob in assailing Gen. Pace, openly wondering whether he harbors vices of his own that drove him to say what he did. This is a standard homosexual propaganda technique: Attribute dark motives to anyone who won't salute the rainbow flag. You can look it up in their strategy manual, a book entitled After the Ball.

The other participants warmed to Hasselbeck's theme and one-upped her, especially guest talker and actress Joely Fisher, who bounced in her chair in a blouse that gave disturbing new meaning to the show's title.

Rosie O'Donnell, a famous out lesbian, predictably came unglued. Over the past few years, she has defined herself primarily by her sexual behavior, and then claimed that people with moral qualms about homosexuality are bigots who are assailing her identity.

Nobody dared utter anything to upset the pro-gay mantra, which grew in intensity. 

Here's a portion of the five-minute discussion:

Joely Fisher: “We need to open General Pace's closet and see what's in there.”

Joy Behar:  “Do you think people who are homophobic are gay closeted cases themselves?”

Fisher:  “Or sexually repressed or uncomfortable with their own sexuality in any way?”

O'Donnell:  “So if you are a gay person you are immoral. You are innately bad.  You are less than, because you are gay. It's like saying all lefties are witches.”

Hasselbeck:  “He likened it to adultery, an adulterous person in the armed services would face some sort of punishment or some sort of slap on the wrist and if you act on your homosexuality I believe he also said that they should be treated like someone who is --.”

Fisher: “But it's okay to kill people.”

Joy Behar: “If you're saying it's immoral the way adultery is, then let gay people get married. Then it won't be immoral.”

O'Donnell: “Can you be a straight person who is a horrible person, who is adulterous and has no morals?”

Fisher:  “And have a leg up”

O'Donnell: “So to speak.”

Behar: “Not the Heather Mills story again.”

O'Donnell:  “But it's impossible for a gay person ever to be treated equal which is the premise of this country, that all men and women are created equal, they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, all people, even the gay ones. (bares her teeth, shouts) General Pace, wake up! It's 2007. There's a war on! Leave the gays alone!”  (applause)

Note to readers: Homosexual activists increasingly insist that the Almighty is really an enthusiastic advocate of same-sex canoodling. For support, they mangle the Bible, or the Declaration of Independence, although they don't seem compelled to do the same with the Koran.

After Rosie's outburst, Hasselbeck explained why everyone doesn't just go ahead and cheerfully accept homosexuality as moral:

“What happens is there's this group of you know, religious believers, be it Christian or whoever who believe certain sins are worse than others. They do believe homosexuality is a sin, because they are not guilty, guilty of it, then they say 'It's not my sin so I will focus on that,' then pretty much hide the fact that I'm guilty of some other things as well. I feel that may be what's going on.”

Later, she opined that, “We should not judge one another. I feel that's the root of Christianity. You shall not judge.”

Does that mean we're not to judge adultery? Promiscuous sex? Polygamy? Prostitution? 

Inquiring Viewers want to know.

Robert Knight is the director of the Culture and Media Institute (, a division of the Media Research Center.