Conspiracy theorist Rosie O'Donnell on Tuesday repeated her 9/11 truther beliefs and blamed the United States for the creation of the terrorist group ISIS. While discussing foreign policy and the ...
During an interview with former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer cited Panetta's criticism of President Obama in a new memoir and made a surprisingly tough ...
Despite it's superficial tone and disinterest in serious news, Good Morning America on Tuesday profiled liberal congressional candidate Clay Aiken for the third time this year. News reader Amy ...
The Secret Service just can’t seem to catch a break these days. Following a disastrous couple of weeks in which the agency let a fence jumper enter the White House as well as revelations that the ...
On Monday night, ABC and NBC continued its blackout of Vice President Joe Biden’s latest gaffes regarding U.S. allies in the Middle East that led to the White House forcing Biden to call and ...
Prompted by Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski to confirm “you watch Morning Joe, I take it?”, actor/author Ron Perlman affirmed: “I get all my news from MSNBC.” He then quickly quipped: “Which ...
Samuel Burke touted Amazon's new streaming TV series Transparent on Monday's CNN Newsroom as "groundbreaking," and underlined that it's "tackling a topic that TV has rarely touched." The main ...