Over the weekend, leaders from the House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committees reached an agreement on legislation to reform the troubled Department of Veterans Affairs with the full details ...
The saga of Lois Lerner’s missing emails took a bunch of twists and turns this past week, but you wouldn’t know that if you only got your news from the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks. On July ...
MSNBC Weekend MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry her weekend platform to disgustingly compare Governor Rick
Perry (R-TX) and his decision to sent National Guard troops to the
border to that of ...
A common theme among liberal journalists is to blame a “do-nothing Congress” when liberal policies fail to become law. Such was the case during a panel discussion on Sunday’s Meet the Press when ...
Meet the Press moderator David Gregory did his best to condemn Congressman Paul Ryan’s new anti-poverty proposal during an interview on Sunday. The NBC host played a clip of Ryan from 2013 in ...
On Sunday’s Meet the Press, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu profoundly slapped down moderator David Gregory’s assertion that Israel had been involved in the “targeting of a U.N. ...
Citing the 45th anniversary last week of the Apollo 11 landing on the
moon, Bill Maher on Friday night sneered: “I always hear that the moon
landing was the last great thing that America did. ...
On Friday, both ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today ignored the news that Meriam Ibrahaim, a Sudanese woman who was sentenced to death in Sudan for converting from Islam to Christianity and ...
While all three networks denounced the shelling of a U.N. school in Gaza
on Thursday, NBC, ABC and CBS all failed to report on similar U.N.
schools in the war-torn territory being used to hide ...
In the wake of the Newtown shooting, the networks highlighted President Obama's call for more gun control to rein in violence. However, NBC and CBS on Thursday night and Friday morning allowed a ...