
Media Research Center

NBC Skips Big Win for Second Amendment, Hypes Bigfoot Reality Show Instead

Both ABC's Good Morning America and CBS This Morning on Tuesday covered a big win for the Second Amendment in the courts. NBC's Today couldn't make time for the ruling by a federal judge that ...
Media Research Center

Where's the Media Outrage? Virginia Democrat Compares Republicans to Violent Rapists

In an outrageous ad aired on the local Washington D.C. NBC affiliate WRC-4, Virginia Democratic state senate candidate Jennifer Wexton – running to replace newly elected Virginia attorney ...
Media Research Center

Whoopi Goldberg to Mary Matalin: Who is Going to Separate GOP from the 'Kooky Folks?'

On Tuesday's edition of The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg pressed former Republican strategist Mary Matalin for her early favorites for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination as she wondered who ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Bush to Blame for 'Security Vacuum' in Iraq Created by Obama's Troop Withdrawal

Introducing a report on Monday's NBC Nightly News about Al-Qaeda forces seizing control of the Iraqi city of Fallujah, anchor Brian Williams went out of his way to blame the President George ...
Media Research Center

ABC Gushes Over Michelle Obama's 'Extended Vacation,' Shows No Interest in Cost

The journalists at Good Morning America on Tuesday offered a gushing, excited look at Michelle Obama's "extended vacation" in Hawaii, offering no questions or skepticism about what the trip will ...
Media Research Center

$364 Million from Taxpayers to Put Liberal Journalists’ Boots on the Ground in Syria

Rep. Smith: ‘Inexcusable and irresponsible.’ Led by self-described ‘Marxist,’ Internews founded liberal groups, promoted globalist agenda on taxpayer dime.
Media Research Center

Racy Rev: MSNBC’s Sharpton Mentions Race 215 Times in ’13

The year in black and white on ‘Politics Nation.’
Media Research Center

Ed Schultz to 'Heartless and Cruel' Republicans: Extend Unemployment Because of Cold!

Liberal MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz on Monday used the cold snap hitting much of the country to push two left-wing agendas. He lectured "heartless and cruel" Republicans to extend unemployment because ...
Media Research Center

WaPo Hit Job on Kochs Relies on Soros-Funded Facts

Left-wing billionaire gave $725,000 to ‘nonpartisan’ Center for Responsive Politics. 
Media Research Center

Charlie Rose Wonders if Extreme Cold Snap 'Definitely Connected to Global Warming'

On Monday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose predictably placed the blame for the unusually cold weather in North America on climate change. Rose wondered, "Is it definitely connected to global ...