
Media Research Center

Networks Silent about ‘Green’ Nature of Kitzhaber Corruption Scandal

ABC, CBS, NBC fail journalism 101 in coverage of Oregon governor’s ‘shocking fall from grace.’
Media Research Center

Despite its Success, it’s still Worth Protesting ‘50 Shades’

Bondage porn flick made $80 Million last weekend. All the more reason to oppose it.
Media Research Center

HuffPo to Launch its Own ‘Fake News’ Comedy Show

Stepping in to fill Jon Stewart’s void?
Media Research Center

HuffPo: These Empty Feminist Gestures are ‘Changing the World’

Another case of liberals patting each other on the back for all the good they think they do.
Media Research Center

Obamacare Created or Hiked 13 Taxes, Networks Ignore Them in 87 Percent of Stories

Broadcast news networks promote idea Obama wants to help middle class rather than expose costly health care law.
Media Research Center

Soros’ $10 Million Funds Group Slamming Conservative ‘Islamophobia’

Center for American Progress also received money from Steyer, Ford Foundation.
Media Research Center

Snowbound Networks Devote 17+ Minutes to Climate Change

In month of brutal cold, heavy snows and snowiest February for Boston, nets maintain warming obsession.
Media Research Center

NBC ‘Today’ gives SNL40 11X More Coverage than ISIS Beheading Christians

21 beheaded, Egypt launching airstrikes, and NBC is talking skits and selfies.
Media Research Center

Franco to Star in Hulu’s Sci-Fi JFK Series

Time travel to ‘the grassy knoll’?
Media Research Center

Shhhhh! Study Shows Kids of Same-Sex Parents Have More Emotional Problems

Media played up earlier flawed buy positive study; ignore better one with negative results.