
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Joy Reid Links Rodeo Clown to GOP, 'Shrinking Down to Its Most Extreme Elements'

On Friday's PoliticsNation show, during a segment in which host Al Sharpton lumped the Obama rodeo clown in Missouri into alleged GOP extremism, MSNBC contributor Joy Reid declared that "the ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Gregory Hopes Obama Uses Anniversary of MLK Speech as 'Leadership Moment' to 'Challenge Republicans'

At the end of Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory excitedly announced to his panel of guests: "We're coming up on an anniversary that is going to give the President an ...
Media Research Center

CBS Argues Young People Need to Enroll in ObamaCare

‘Evening News’ includes only supporters of ACA, including spokesperson from Soros-funded Young Invincibles group.
Media Research Center

ABC Parrots Obama: Government Shutdown Would Cripple 'Weak' GOP for a 'Generation'

Former Democratic operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos on Sunday parroted Barack Obama's talking points, insisting that a shutdown of the government would would a "weak" Republican ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Guest Links David Dinkins to Lower NYC Crime, Ignores Giuliani

On Thursday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, as host Al Sharpton devoted a segment to discrediting the NYPD's Stop-and-Frisk policy, Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, appearing as a guest, misleadingly ...
Media Research Center

Great Grandmother Accuses Democrat of Sexual Harassment; NBC Yawns

NBC hasn't covered the ongoing Bob Filner sexual harassment scandal an almost a week, despite a fifteenth woman – a 67-year-old great grandmother – coming forward on Thursday, accusing the former ...
Media Research Center

NewsBusters Catches Piers Morgan's Falsity, Gets Him to Apologize

The MRC's blog, NewsBusters, reported that during a debate on guns, CNN's Piers Morgan falsely claimed that according to FBI statistics, Virginia had the highest murder rate in the country in ...
Media Research Center

CNN Anchors Tire of 'Silly,' 'Stupid' Rodeo Clown Controversy

On Thursday afternoon CNN's Athena Jones called the Missouri rodeo clown controversy a "firestorm," but CNN's tone changed within a matter of hours. On Thursday night's Piers Morgan Live, ...
Media Research Center

NBC Does Entire Segment on U.S. Egypt Policy Without Mentioning Obama by Name

In an impressive display of journalistic gymnastics on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie and Meet the Press moderator David Gregory managed to have an entire discussion about U.S. ...
Media Research Center

Russell Simmons Apologizes For ‘Harriet Tubman Sex Tape’

Huffington Post Live panelists doubts sincerity.