
Media Research Center

NBC Covers UNC Academic Fraud Scandal, Yet Skipped Academically Fraudulent Democratic Senator

Throughout the entire plagiarism scandal involving Democratic Senator John Walsh (Mont.), the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC have combined for only one story in the form of a news brief ...
Media Research Center

CBS and NBC Ignore Results of Michael Brown’s Autopsy

On Wednesday, the results of the St. Louis County autopsy of 18-year-old Michael Brown, who died after being shot by Ferguson, Missouri police officer Darren Wilson on August ...
Media Research Center

Little Girls Drop F-Bombs to ‘Empower’ Feminism

Media call the ad ‘brilliant’ and ‘adorable.’
Media Research Center

O'Reilly on 'Today': Obama Administration 'Blew It' on Ebola Response

On Wednesday, Today co-host Matt Lauer began an interview with Bill O'Reilly by citing liberal New York Times columnist Frank Bruni actually criticizing the Obama administration's handling of the ...
Media Research Center

Nets Yawn at Midterms, But 'Love' 'Cute' Story of Obama Teasing a Voter

With the Democrats facing bad news in the coming midterms, the networks have largely been ignoring the possible electoral wave. Yet, NBC and CBS couldn't resist the "cute" story of ...
Media Research Center

‘Big Three’ Ignore Democratic Debate No-Show But Promoted ‘Fangate’ Controversy

Senator Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) and her Republican opponent, North Carolina House Speaker Thom Tillis, are currently locked in a close Senate race, but with less than two weeks until Election Day ...
Media Research Center

'Meet the Press' Panel: If GOP Wins Senate, They'd Better Not Oppose ObamaCare

At the end of Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, moderator Chuck Todd led his panel of guests in warning Republicans against any effort to oppose ObamaCare if they win the Senate majority in the ...
Media Research Center

ABC and NBC Omit Any Mention of Midterm Elections on Day Two Weeks from Election Day

On Tuesday, ABC and NBC made no mention of the upcoming midterm elections, which were two weeks away from Tuesday and include numerous Senate races that will decide whether Republicans or ...
Media Research Center

One Week Later: Networks Still Ignore Houston Sermon Subpoena Scandal

ABC, CBS, NBC still disinterested in mayor’s attempt to infringe pastors’ rights.
Media Research Center

As Lewinsky Returns, ABC and CBS Gloss Over Clinton Culpability

All three networks on Tuesday hyped the return of Monica Lewinsky in the form of a speech on Monday, but ABC and CBS mostly glossed over the embarrassing details of Bill Clinton's culpability. ...