Brent Baker

the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bio) Washington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here. (On archive of 2014; archive of June-December 2013; archive of Jan. 2012 through June 2013).

Author Articles

Brian Williams Demands of Mitch McConnell: 'Why Shouldn't Rich Folks Pay More?'

Running a brief excerpt from his Sunday night Dateline special, "Taking the Hill: Inside Congress," Brian Williams on Thursday evening showcased one and only one question he posed to Senate ...

CNN's Piers Morgan Rails Against Republicans for Not 'Compromising,' Slaps Anti-Tax Hike Stand as 'Crazy'

Acting as if he were trying out for a MSNBC gig, Piers Morgan used his half hour of CNN's prime time, following President Barack Obama's 9 PM EDT speech on the debt ceiling and House Speaker John ...

CBS's Schieffer Mimics Obama, Proposes Republicans 'the Party that Can't Say Yes to Anything?'

Adopting the spin of President Barack Obama - who on Friday insisted "one of the questions that the Republican Party is going to have to ask itself is: Can they say yes to anything?" ' on Sunday's ...

CBS Frets Waste of Time on 'Cut Cap and Balance,' But Promotes 'Remarkable Resurrection' for 'Gang of 6'

House Republicans have a budget-cutting proposal that stands no chance of getting by President Obama while some Senators have a big tax-hiking plan which stands no chance of passage in the House, ...

Esquire Magazine Genuflects: Obama's a 'World-Historical Soul,' 'He is What We Hope We Can Be'

An effusive love letter to Barack Obama published in the August edition of Esquire magazine. "2011 is the summer of Obama," gushed Stephen Marche, genuflecting "'I am large, I contain multitudes,' ...

Amanpour Focuses on One Poll Showing Support for Tax Hikes, Schieffer Upset GOP Not as Reasonable as Obama

A couple of Sunday interview show hosts again forwarded White House talking points about the necessity to include taxes, I mean "revenues," in any debt ceiling increase deal with ABC's Christiane ...

Pelley Cites Tea Party as 'Problem' as ABC Relays 'Disgust,' Pelley Prompts Obama to Hail Reagan's Compromise 'Virtue'

Interviewing President Obama for Tuesday's CBS Evening News, Scott Pelley implied the Tea Party should be blamed for blocking a debt ceiling deal ("Isn't the problem that a large number of the ...

NBC's Chuck Todd: Anti-Tax Hike Tea Party Republicans Are the 'Problem' Blocking Deal to Help 'Hurting' Americans

"The problem is this issue with the House Republicans," NBC's Chuck Todd declared Wednesday night in naming the culprit blocking help to Americans whom Brian Williams asserted "are hurting every ...

With Chris Wallace's Help, ABC and NBC Paint Bachmann as Fact-Challenged 'Flake'

All three broadcast network evening newscasts awarded full stories Monday night to Michele Bachmann's presidential campaign announcement, with ABC and NBC unable to resist pouncing on Chris ...

Amanpour Does Obama's Bidding in Pushing McConnell to Realize Need for 'Revenue Raising'

On Sunday's This Week, ABC's Christiane Amanpour repeatedly hit Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell with the White House's plea for "revenue raising" measures, often the new euphemism for tax ...

ABC and NBC Refuse to ID Party of Mobster's Brother, 'Celebrated Star of Massachusetts Politics'

The ABC and NBC evening newscasts have focused stories on Billy Bulger, the long-time Massachusetts Democratic political hack who is the younger brother of just-captured reputed mass-murdering ...

NBC Picks on Supposed Republican Stumbles Before Showing Obama Soothing a Baby

On Tuesday night, NBC highlighted a series of stumbles by Republican presidential candidates, none of them all that significant (Romney having $100 bills in his wallet and Perry referring to ...

NBC News Twists Its Network's Pledge Censorship Into Slam at Rick Perry's Intolerance

Trying to submerge its own network's "under God" censorship into a greater narrative, Monday's NBC Nightly News managed to combine into one disjointed story the NBC Sports decision to remove ...

Washington Post Ombudsman Undermines His Claim Paper's E-Mail Quest Didn't Prove Anti-Palin Bias

Put the lie in your lead and the truth deeper into your story, Washington Post columnist Robert McCartney relayed on Sunday in passing along advice he got from his late father. A few pages away, ...

ABC on Terror Suspect, Everything But a Muslim: 'Marine Lance Corporal,' a 'Marine Reservist,' an 'Ethiopian' and a 'Lone Wolf'

Add ABC's World News and the NBC Nightly News to the news outlets which refused to identify Yonathan Melaku, who was caught in Arlington Cemetery with suspicious material and a notebook praising ...

ABC Uniquely Highlights Report Showing Obama Worse than Bush on Paying Off Donors

Wednesday's World News on ABC led with a report from the left-leaning Center for Public Integrity documenting Barack Obama's failure to meet his promise to "change" politics as usual and thus not ...

CNN Gives Maher Platform to Accuse GOP Candidates of 'Horrible Society-Killing Ideas,' Call Cheney 'More Psychotic' Than Weiner

The night after CNN's debate with seven Republican presidential candidates, Anderson Cooper brought aboard left-wing "comedian" Bill Maher to ridicule them. Asked if he "had to vote" for one of ...

CBS's Schieffer Trumpets Coburn's 'Candor' on Willingness to Hike Taxes, Rues Others Lack Such 'Courage'

Previewing Tuesday's Early Show town hall meeting with Republicans on the economy, CBS's Bob Schieffer, who pushes his Face the Nation guests to agree taxes must be raised, hailed a Republican, ...

NBC the Most Excited by Palin's E-Mail, Yet Fails to Dig Up Any 'Bombshells'

Much of the media made fools of themselves with their excited obsession over the release of Sarah Palin's e-mails, but NBC went the furthest, sending reporters to Juneau as the network uniquely ...

CBS Worries Weiner's Scandal Means Obama Will Lose a Vital Critic from the Left

Asked by new CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley why Congressman Anthony Weiner "matters," Nancy Cordes maintained he's vital as a critic pushing Obama from the left. "The President has a lot of ...