Brian Fitzpatrick

Author Articles

Hollywood's Thanksgiving Family Values Bronx Cheer

Making light of divorce doesn't sit well during a holiday celebrating the family.

Pregnant 'Man': Barbara Walters Struggles Against Reality

ABC News's leading lady is using Thomas Beatie to persuade Americans to accept nontraditional families.

Media Have a Proposition for Calif. Churches: You're Bigots

Two days after California voters upheld man-woman marriage by voting for Prop. 8, the media stopped reporting the facts and started beating its civil rights drum.

The Enduring Culture War

Some pundits claim the political battles over moral values are effectively at an end. They're kidding themselves.

WaPo/Newsweek 'On Faith' Editor Smears Dobson, Focus on the Family

David Waters accuses the Christian ministry of fear-mongering in a letter warning of the possible consequences of electing Obama.

Pulitzer-Winning Author Who Wanted Bush 'Shot' Spews Hate on Huff Post

Should the leading leftwing Web site be providing a platform for such ill-informed, rage-driven rants? Whatever happened to civility?

Palin, Jesus and Witches???

Newsweek caricatures Palin's faith one week before the presidential election, even raising the specter of anti-Semitism.

Network News's High-Tech Lynching of Sarah Palin

ABC, NBC and CBS news shows ran 69 stories about the GOP vice-presidential nominee in two weeks. Only 2 stories were positive.

Media Drink Obama's 8 Years Old Kool-Aid

Rather than investigate the candidate's relationship with William Ayers, establishment media are just repeating the campaign's talking points.

The Bad, the Good and the Ugly

Three breaking stories expose the developing cult of personality in America, and the harm being inflicted on our culture by the media.

TIME Gives Distorted View of McCain's, Obama's Character

The GOP presidential nominee is manipulating public opinion, the Democratic nominee is a victim. But is it really vice versa?

Wall Street Journal Fails to Identify GOP-Bashing Author as Gay Activist

James Kirchick's column comes straight out of the homosexual political playbook.

The Cost of Killing Palinzilla

The liberal media's all-out assault on the faith and character of the GOP vice presidential nominee comes at a steep price: credibility.

AP Wrongly Charges Palin with Deception over Faith

Doesn't the Associated Press have any religion reporters familiar with evangelical culture and theology?

Pro-gay Journalist: Palin's Religious Worldview Controversial

Huffington Post suggests that applying Christian values to public policy is inappropriate.

Whalin' on Palin: Media Discover Motherhood, Overlook Character

Since GOP presidential candidate John McCain announced Alaska's governor would be his running mate, the dirt-diggers have been working around the clock.

NBC to 'Gay' Journalists: 'Your Victories Are Our Victories'

The news media loudly proclaimed its support for the homosexual activist agenda at the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association convention in Washington, D.C.

'Gay' Journalism Conference Panel Targets Religious Influence on Public Policy

Washington Post editor, defrocked minister urge homosexual reporters to ignore conservative Christian leaders like Pat Robertson and James Dobson.

Media Avert Eyes as Obama Caught in Infanticide Deception

The candidate accused the National Right to Life Committee of lying about his record, but admitted the next day they were telling the truth.

Will Edwards Scandal Teach Media that Lying about Adultery Is Wrong?

CMI senior editor Brian Fitzpatrick and intern Julia Seward examine the news medias complacency toward adultery and lying, as revealed by their refusal to cover the John Edwards sex scandal.