Charles Simpson
Author Articles
6/23/2006 3:35 PM ET
Washington Post alludes to costs the ruling is likely to impose on businesses.
2/23/2006 2:00 PM ET
Fear Mongering about foreign investment should be a passing fad.
2/14/2006 2:00 PM ET
Times reporter pits oil profits against anti-poverty initiatives.
1/1/2006 7:00 PM ET
Media hype trial lawyers crusade to create new Katrina victims insurance companies.
1/1/2006 7:00 PM ET
CNN business anchor uses race in wrongheaded criticism of administrations efforts to help workers.
1/1/2006 7:00 PM ET
CNN bashes big business with union spokesman, ignoring the truth about wages and workers in the Katrina reconstruction.
12/15/2005 2:00 PM ET
Dobbs pleads ignorance on free trade and economic growth.
12/8/2005 2:00 PM ET
Reporter Decries Cost of Tax Cuts with Flawed Study and Bad Economics
10/19/2005 1:00 PM ET
Networks favor fresh start of bankruptcy over personal responsibility, using hurricane victims to discredit legal reform.
10/13/2005 1:00 PM ET
Lou Dobbs Tonight Continues Assault on Free Market Policies
8/22/2005 7:44 PM ET
Lou Dobbs Tonight Hides Good News Behind Negative View of Free Market
8/22/2005 7:36 PM ET
Lou Dobbs Tonight Hides Good News Behind Negative View of Free Market
7/21/2005 1:00 PM ET
Trish Regan ignores the numbers to criticize Greenspans 'rosy forecast'.