Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

To NY Times, Obama Pick Elena Kagan a 'Liberal,' But Only 'in Moderation'

The New York Times' Peter Baker wonders if Elena Kagan is liberal enough to battle with the staunch conservatives on the Supreme Court, while the Times fawns over Kagan the "opera-loving, ...

Times Pushes Condom Education, Quotes Planned Parenthood Twice Without Proper ID

While discounting the value of abstinence education, reporter Roni Caryn Rabin twice quoted Planned Parenthood without mentioning that it's a pro-abortion conglomerate which operates abortion clinics.

'Conservatives' Battle 'Civil Libertarians' in the NYT's Long War on Balance

The Times main battle plan: Avoiding the L-word at all costs.

Obama Pick Elena Kagan a 'Liberal,' But Only 'in Moderation'

Peter Baker wonders if Elena Kagan is liberal enough to battle with the staunch conservatives on the Supreme Court, while the Times fawns over Kagan the "opera-loving, poker-playing, ...

Gulf Oil Spill? Krugman Blames You Know Who

Left-wing columnist Paul Krugman blames the president's policies for the massive oil leak in the Gulf. No, not President Obama, but the one that left office over 15 months ago. He's also the third ...

Bizarre: Columnist Vecsey Fears NBA Players Could Be Victims of AZ's Illegal Immigrant Law

Paranoid sports columnist George Vecsey suggests that Major League Baseball players boycott Arizona: "Speaking as somebody with relatives of various hues and backgrounds, I wouldn't want them ...

Charles Blow Again Attacks Tea Partiers as Racist

Charles Blow, officially obsessed with the Tea Party movement: "Racist. Tea Party. Are those separate concepts or a single one? Depends on whom you ask."

More Labeling Slant in Arizona Immigration Law Coverage

Julia Preston serves as stenographer for La Raza president Janet Murguia, who two years ago called for Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Lou Dobbs to be removed from the airwaves for "hate speech" ...

Military-Banning Elena Kagan: The Times' Idea of a Supreme Court 'Pragmatist'

Reporter Katharine Seelye's profile reads like an attempt to portray liberal former Harvard Law School dean Elena Kagan, a potential Supreme Court pick, as a moderate.

The Times Gushes Over Hard-Left 'Grannies' Once Again

Times headlines salute anti-war "granny" group in Manhattan that are neither all-granny nor even all-women: "Not all of the 21 people who showed up this past Wednesday were actually grannies. Five ...

Reporter Paul Vitello Calls Pro-Israel American Jews 'Slavish'

Classy word choice: "...a newly outspoken wing of Israel supporters has begun to challenge the old-school reflexive support of the country's policies, suggesting that one does not have to be ...

Will Closed-Minded Country Music Let Lesbian Chely Wright In?

Times' music writer Jon Caramanica also details the 2003 battle between the vulgarly anti-war Dixie Chick Natalie Maines and "reliable jingoist" Toby Keith.

Clifford Ignores Liberal Slant as Culprit in Newsweek's Decline

Stephanie Clifford's front-page piece on the money-losing Newsweek doesn't mention the mag's liberal opinionizing. But she was quick to snidely spot a right-wing slant at Reader's Digest.

NYT Editorial Page: First Amendment Protects Violent Video Games, Not Political Speech

The Times favors free expression in video games: "The Constitution, however, does not require speech to be ideal for it to be protected." But not in speech on issues of the day: "Congress must act ...

Gail Collins Finds 'Bright Spot' in Massive Gulf Oil Spill

At least one Times columnist has her priorities straight. Gail Collins: "Polls show that the country as a whole has lost a lot of its passion for environmental issues. Maybe the oil spill will ...

Obama's White House 20-Somethings 'Reign Over' D.C. Social Scene

Blech: "President Obama's young staff and their senior counterparts mix seamlessly and often sweetly....The young staff members in the Obama White House have not only helped create a new social ...

The Times Discovers Black Republicans

Jennifer Steinhauer gives the candidates their due, but can't resist a cheap shot: "Videos taken at some Tea Party rallies show some participants holding up signs with racially inflammatory ...

Misleading NYT Poll Doesn't Stop People from Favoring AZ Immigration Law

The New York Times initially spun a 60%-36% pro-enforcement gap as a "slim margin." And the law doesn't give "police the power to question anyone they suspect is in the country illegally," as a ...

Obama the Pragmatist, Tea Party on 'Far Right'

Jackie Calmes says Obama "supporters" calls him a "pragmatist" - but so does the New York Times. She also puts the Tea Party movement on the "far right."

The Times Salutes Bill Moyers, Hard-Left 'Lion of PBS,' Finds Few Critics

The paper's usual labeling imbalance was on display in how it treated left-wing vs right-wing critics of PBS.