Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Ted Kennedy "Attended Mass Every Day in the Year After His Mother's Death"

Profile reporter Mark Leibovich goes on for three paragraphs about Kennedy's Catholicism without mentioning his flaunting of church teachings in his strong support of abortion: "In recent years, ...

Kristof Omits Left-Wing Affiliation of Insurance Company Insider

Columnist Nicholas Kristof left off the fact that his health-care hero turned universal-care advocate, former health insurance executive Wendell Potter, is working for the avowedly left-wing ...

Editor: Mag Readers Aren't Liberal, Just Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Gay, and Pro-Social Spending

Times Magazine editor Gerald Marzorati says his magazine isn't necessarily on the left, but "reflects a place where women have professional ambition, where immigrants are welcome, and where gay ...

Ted Kennedy Obit Avoids the Jesse Helms Treatment

Liberal Sen. Ted Kennedy was "one of the most effective lawmakers in the history of the Senate," while conservative Sen. Jesse Helms's "mossy drawl barely masked a hard-edged conservatism that ...

Adam Clymer in Full Swoon Over Ted Kennedy's Legacy

Adam Clymer, who wrote a supportive biography of Sen. Ted Kennedy, defended Kennedy from a hostile questioner: "If you voted at 18 or were served Meals on Wheels or took advantage of a Medicare ...

Pro-Obama-Care "Grassroots Advocates" - Controlled by the DNC

Advice for reporter Katharine Seelye: If pro-Obama "grassroots advocates" are operating "under the aegis of the Democratic National Committee," they aren't really "grassroots advocates."

Times Tries (and Fails) to Rebut Fact Obama-Care Will Pay for Abortions

Reporter Katharine Seelye quotes not one but two Planned Parenthood staffers to rebut a Family Research Council claim that taxpayers would have to pay for abortions.

Paul Krugman: Hey, Let's Not Get "Hysterical" Over $9 Trillion Deficit

Not so bad, at least compared to what it was during the biggest military conflict in world history.

Times Puts "Calm" Conservative Opponent of Obama-Care on Front Page

Surprise: Reporter Kevin Sack treated conservative concerns about health-care rationing with respect.

Frank Rich Unleashes His Inner Ashcroft

In the era of Barack Obama, dramatic liberal columnist Frank Rich is suddenly gung-ho about fighting terror.

Obama "Supporters" (and Times Reporters) Compare Obama to Lincoln & FDR

Reporter Peter Baker: "President Obama had not even taken office before supporters were etching his likeness onto Mount Rushmore as another Abraham Lincoln or the second coming of Franklin D. ...

Times Turnaround? Concerns Over "Death Panels" Suddenly Not So Outlandish

A week after the Times declared concern over health-care rationing under Obama's reforms a "false" idea spread by conservative conspiracists, health care reporter Robert Fear says those "concerns ...

L.A. Lines Up for Free Health Care in "An Outpouring of Need"

Pro-tax reporter Jennifer Steinhauer contrasts downtrodden folks in Los Angeles waiting in a long line for free health care with the "angry" protesters found at town hall meetings.

Update: Town Hall Protesters Not Just White & Irritable, They're Ignorant Too

David Stout adds a wrinkle to the Times' dismissive coverage of citizens protesting Obama's health-care overhaul.

The Times Explains It All on Obama-Care: Don't Worry, Conservatives

The Times tries to calm conservative fears about abortion coverage and "end of life services," but its defenses of Obama-care fail to settle the matter.

"Almost Entirely White and Irritable Crowd" of "Angry" Obama-Care Protesters

After years of celebrating liberal protesters, the Times shudders as an "almost entirely white and irritable crowd" of "angry" conservatives hassle Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter about Obama-care.

Michael Vick's Dogfights: No Worse Than Hunting?

Sports columnist William Rhoden brings in Jesse Jackson to argue the case that former NFL QB Michael Vick should return to the game this year, and wondered whether what Vick did with dogs was any ...

Obama's Crew Has "Basically Succeeded" in Turning Economy Around

David Leonhardt uses a small decline in the unemployment rate to shout about the massive government intervention and "stimulus" package: "What if in the end they got it right?"

Dodd Cleared of Wrongdoing - Times Suddenly Remembers He's a Democrat

How convenient for the liberal senator from Connecticut.

Times Ignores Dem Face-Slapping, Union Assault, Blames GOP for Town Hall "Hostility"

Taking the liberal side of the town hall debate, the Times ignores an alleged assault and racial epithet against a black man from a union activist, ignores a Democratic face-slapper, while ...