Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Roger Cohen Says He Was Right All Along About Iranian People

See, Cohen says, I was right all along: "One benefit of the massive show of resistance to a stolen vote, and future, has been to awaken Americans to the civic vitality of Iranian society - a real ...

Plugging Euro-Style Health Care in the Movie Section

The paper's liberal chief movie critic plugs the French way of life.

Comrade Krugman Accuses GOP of "Treason Against the Planet"

Columnist Paul Krugman's left-wing mindset takes a totalitarian turn: "And as I watched the deniers make their arguments, I couldn't help thinking that I was watching a form of treason - treason ...

Strange Days: Obama's Opposition to Gay Marriage a Good Thing?

Yes, apparently, as long as it keeps the GOP down, implies Week in Review editor Sam Tanenhaus: "But the admissions of extramarital adventures by two Republican stalwarts, Gov. Mark Sanford of ...

No Dissent, No Cost Questions in Cap-and-Trade Coverage

John Broder mostly ignored skeptics and lowballed the cost of the Democrat's climate change bill.

Even in NYC Valedictorians Story, It's All About Obama

Bleech: "Call them members of the Obama generation: Seven of New York City's valedictorians, invited to discuss the future - theirs, the city's, the world's - could not help circling back to ...

"The Stoning of Soraya M" Is "Lurid Torture-Porn"

Liberal movie critic Stephen Holden doesn't like a movie about the horrible fate of a women in Iran: "Mr. Negahban's Ali, who resembles a younger, bearded Philip Roth, suggests an Islamic ...

The Great George Bush Sr. "Grocery Scanner" Urban Legend Lives On

Reporter Garry Shih in a story on bar codes writes: "They even played a role in the 1992 presidential race, when then-President George H. W. Bush, at a campaign stop, seemed surprised by what had ...

HuffPost's Nico Pitney No "Administration Plant," But Jeff Gannon Was

Peter Baker of the New York Times on the Nico Pitney planted question controversy: "Here is the dirty little secret about White House news conferences: The president almost always knows the ...

Sanford and Sin Will Dog G.O.P Through 2012

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford's confession of adultery gives the Times another chance to round up recent (and not so recent) stories of Republican misdeeds and controversies and suggest they ...

NYT: How Dare Food Folks Make Their Products Taste Good

Health columnist Tara Parker-Pope celebrates former FDA head David Kessler's book blaming the food industry for making us fat: "But food scientists work hard to reach the precise point at which we ...

"Jon & Kate Plus 8" Critic Hits Out at Bristol Palin

Ginia Bellafante: "For some Christians, the Gosselins have become the new Bristol Palin, exposing hypocrisy between belief and practice."

The Amazing Disappearing "Obama Effect" in Iran

The Times hardly mentions Barack Obama in the context of Iran, yet still sees an "Obama effect."

The Times Fails to Call Genocidal Khmer Rouge Regime "Communist"

Reporter Seth Mydans reverts to old bad habits in his followup story on a trial in Cambodia of a Khmer Rouge torturer.

Surprise: Times Reporter Calls Hezbollah a Terrorist Group

Someone call Executive Editor Bill Keller - he recently termed such labeling "sloppy journalism."

Heroic Democrats vs. Heartless Republicans in California

Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer insults California Republicans once again for resisting tax hikes: "While Democrats struggle to preserve programs for the state's neediest residents through one-time ...

The Times Finally Finds a FOX Journalist It Can Respect - Shepard Smith

Media reporter Bill Carter predictably portrayed Shepard Smith as a lone balanced journalist under siege from hateful, conspiratorial conservatives.

The Times Actually Kept a Secret. Who Knew?

Secrecy was rightly considered vital when it came to the security of Times journalist David Rohde - yet on two occasions the Times turned a deaf ear to pleas from the Bush White House that ...

Which Way Is It? Wash. Post vs. NYT on Health Care Prospects

NYT: "In their heart of hearts, few in the Obama administration would have predicted late last year that they would be this well positioned by June to achieve a major victory on health care." WP: ...

Is Reader's Digest Move to the Right Putting It Outside Mainstream?

Stephanie Clifford (pictured) got in some cheap digs at Mary Berner of Reader's Digest, who is retrenching the magazine toward its conservative roots.