Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research
Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.
Author Articles
2/10/2010 12:02 PM ET
Elisabeth Rosenthal skips some highlights of the latest global warming controversy, involving bogus scientific claims on disappearing Himalayan glaciers. Rosenthal defends IPCC chairman Dr. ...
2/10/2010 10:32 AM ET
John McCain, Times friend turned foe, is now a friend again, in the hope of keeping a "far right" candidate out of the U.S. Senate. Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer: "Yet Mr. McCain now finds himself ...
2/9/2010 1:30 PM ET
Reporter Kate Zernike mocks Palin's "seventh-grade style" crib notes at the Nashville "tea party" convention: Ask conservatives why they love Sarah Palin so and they will often say it is because ...
2/9/2010 10:22 AM ET
David Stout's obituary for old-line Democratic Rep. John Murtha omitted the congressman's smear of Marines in Iraq, who he accused of killing Iraqi civilians "in cold blood."
2/8/2010 2:44 PM ET
Kate Zernike's Sunday front-page story on a Tea Party convention in Nashville lets participants have their say without rebuttal.
2/8/2010 1:49 PM ET
Mark Leibovich tones down the mocking attitude in his Saturday profile of Sarah Palin, who is "quietly assembling the infrastructure of an expanding political operation."
2/2/2010 3:34 PM ET
The Times took six days for one of its own reporters to acknowledge the ACORN scandal in print. But when ACORN "pimp" and hidden-camera conservative filmmaker James O'Keefe was arrested, the Times ...
2/2/2010 9:46 AM ET
Former Executive Editor Howell Raines returns to the pages of the Times, but his op-ed on the origin of the civil rights movement is laced with nasty cracks at conservatives and Fox News: "Before ...
2/1/2010 3:41 PM ET
Chief political reporter Adam Nagourney spreads Republican pessimism on Sunday's front page: "At a moment of what appears to be great if unexpected opportunity, the Republican Party continues to ...
2/1/2010 1:19 PM ET
Never mind that enormous health-care plan and "stimulus" spending, Obama's really a complex pragmatist who may be just too nuanced for today's politics: "On this much, President Obama's friends ...
2/1/2010 1:02 PM ET
No wonder it's so hard to cut federal spending: A limited "spending freeze" of $250 billion over three years, out of a 2001 budget of $3.8 trillion, is twice trotted out as a radical "austerity" ...
2/1/2010 11:59 AM ET
While the Times routinely rebukes Republicans for allegedly questioning the patriotism of Democrats, columnist Frank Rich is free to claim that Republican "John McCain epitomizes the unpatriotic ...
1/29/2010 12:52 PM ET
Columnist Charles Blow has a change of heart after the Mass. Senate election.
1/29/2010 12:42 PM ET
Reporter Abby Goodnough awaits the crowning of the new senator representing Massachusetts, Martha Coakley, and columnist Charles Blow finds New Englanders have morphed from educated progressives ...
1/29/2010 12:30 PM ET
Plus: Read the desperate, denialist Democrat spin by Times columnists and reporters upon Scott Brown's shocking Mass. Victory, and learn why Rush is a particularly vile human being.
1/29/2010 11:52 AM ET
Supreme Court reporter Adam Liptak finds both Obama and the Justice Sam Alito guilty of a "breach of decorum," Obama for attacking the Supreme Court's decision in his State of the Union address, ...
1/29/2010 11:25 AM ET
Obama administration: Not stupid (or evil) like Bush, but pretending to be.
1/29/2010 8:08 AM ET
A subscription to the Business and Media Institute's newsletter The Balance Sheet will deliver informed analysis of anti-free market reporting to your inbox every week. It's a must if you want to ...
1/28/2010 1:46 PM ET
But his colleagues David Kirkpatrick and Linda Greenhouse nabbed Obama on his SOTU misstatement that: "Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special ...
1/28/2010 11:58 AM ET
Reporter Jason DeParle plumps another exaggerated "hunger in America story" in Wednesday's paper. But he's been dead wrong about such issues before.