Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research
Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.
Author Articles
9/6/2009 9:48 AM ET
The Times keeps its readership reliably in the dark about Obama's "green jobs" czar and 9-11 Truther Van Jones, not covering the controversy at all under its over.
9/4/2009 2:14 PM ET
I like the "Pictures of Goats" section myself...
9/4/2009 1:05 PM ET
Hosting a Times political podcast, the Times' Sam Roberts on "the far right, or certainly the conservative wing of the party" against Obama-care, referring to mainstream political groups like ...
9/4/2009 10:05 AM ET
In pondering the glories of the waning Kennedy era in Massachusetts, the Times ignored "populist" Joe Kennedy's ties to Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, yet praised Kennedy for providing free ...
9/4/2009 9:21 AM ET
Times reporter Larry Rohter during the campaign: "Under [Obama's] plan, only individuals making $200,000 or more and families earning more than $250,000 a year, accounting for less than 2 percent ...
9/3/2009 2:22 PM ET
Columnist Peter Applebome devotes a single sentence to actor-singer Paul Robeson's Stalinism, then ludicrously calls Robeson an "uncompromising human rights advocate."
9/3/2009 12:30 PM ET
What does it take to become a "health care hero" in the Times? Just be a Democratic congressman who endorses big government health insurance.
9/3/2009 11:24 AM ET
Keller loves lefty blogger/journalist Josh Marshall, and so does everyone else in the media: "My respect for Josh Marshall, to cite everyone's favorite example of a serious journalism venture born ...
9/3/2009 8:42 AM ET
Katharine Seelye insists that many valid criticisms of Obama-care (that abortion would be covered, that illegal immigrants would get taxpayer-funded care, and that private insurance would be ...
9/2/2009 4:10 PM ET
New York Times reporter Katharine Seelye insisted that many valid criticisms of Obama-care (that abortion would be covered, that illegal immigrants would get taxpayer-funded care, and that private ...
9/2/2009 12:47 PM ET
Timothy Egan on Idaho Republicans: "For years, Idaho officials have been trying to convince businesses that their state is not a hotbed of hate-filled rubes, gun-toting racists and assorted nut ...
9/2/2009 11:10 AM ET
Katharine Seelye states that the goal of Obama-care supporters "is to put a human face on the need for the overhaul," while tea-party protesters are merely expanding their "objects of fury" to ...
9/1/2009 1:57 PM ET
Fox News picks up on the double standard between remembrances of Sen. Ted Kennedy and Sen. Jesse Helms.
9/1/2009 1:38 PM ET
Reporter Katharine Seelye looks askance at conservative Sen. Jim DeMint's "ideological purity" and chides him for "stoking anger" and for not knocking down "misimpressions" on Obama-care. She also ...
8/31/2009 12:12 PM ET
Sara Rimer on why 1991 was one of the best years of devout Catholic Ted Kennedy's life: "He fell in love with Victoria Reggie, the canny, razor-smart, beautiful 37-year-old daughter of old family ...
8/31/2009 12:02 PM ET
At the senator's funeral, Dan Barry lists "Ted Kennedy's political and human desires: That human beings be measured not by what they cannot do but by what they can do. That quality health care ...
8/29/2009 6:07 AM ET
Plus a Tribute to Terrorist Arafat's ""Spirit"" and Krugman Thinks Obama-Care Opponents Are Racist
8/28/2009 2:06 PM ET
In David Kirkpatrick's piece on Catholic opposition to Obama-care, phrases employed by conservatives like "rationing" and "moral convictions" are closed up in scare quotes.
8/28/2009 12:23 PM ET
Did the failure of Sen. Ted Kennedy's liberal immigration "reform" really lead to "an increase in hate crimes, activity by anti-immigrant groups and ranting on cable television and the Internet"? ...
8/28/2009 11:58 AM ET
Sheryl Gay Stolberg frets about a "coarser, more partisan" Senate while paying tribute to Kennedy, ignoring how Kennedy himself contributed to the coarseness with his demagogic attack on Supreme ...