Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research
Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.
Author Articles
4/15/2009 1:21 PM ET
I feel safer already: Hezbollah's not a terrorist group, just "a military, political and social organization in Lebanon with strong ties to Iran, a bloc in Lebanon's Parliament and ministers in ...
4/15/2009 1:05 PM ET
The Times again wrongly suggests that 90 percent of guns used by Mexican drug dealers come from the United States.
4/15/2009 12:15 PM ET
Andrew Rosenthal admits: "I'll be honest: Because of the nature of our readers, letter writers who defend Republican, conservative or right-wing positions on many topics have a higher shot at ...
4/14/2009 2:18 PM ET
Guess which side reporters Sheryl Gay Stolberg (pictured) and Damien Cave are on: "Those who still support the Bush hard line denounced the decision....Yet those old animosities are giving way to ...
4/14/2009 12:48 PM ET
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois is in hot water over the Ill. Senate seat scandal, but the Times didn't identify him as a Democrat until the ninth paragraph. How did the same paper treat a ...
4/14/2009 12:07 PM ET
Going once, going twice, going three times: "No Mass is said on Good Friday."
4/14/2009 10:24 AM ET
From Sunday's front page: "States Slashing Social Programs For Vulnerable."
4/13/2009 2:07 PM ET
Columnist Roger Cohen (pictured) continues his defense of Iran, accusing the Israelis of "crying wolf" over Iran's nuclear threat.
4/13/2009 12:30 PM ET
Congressional reporter Carl Hulse insisted that the "death tax" (always in quotes) "hits merely a sliver of wealthy American families" and was dismayed at how successful the conservative campaign ...
4/13/2009 11:54 AM ET
The economist turned left-wing talking points spouter goes after the tea party protests by comparing Rush Limbaugh to Stalin and saying Republicans are like the mentally ill.
4/11/2009 12:06 PM ET
Plus Mocking Conservative Governor's "Extreme" Frugality During a Recession
4/10/2009 12:06 PM ET
The Times tries to discredit anti-global-warming activist Marc Morano by linking him to some of their favorite villains: Exxon, the Swift Boat Veterans, and Richard Mellon Scaife.
4/10/2009 9:49 AM ET
Gee whiz, it's only a movie: "If you thought Abu Ghraib was a laugh riot then you might love 'Observe and Report,'....Like the pettiest of dictators, [main character] Ronnie preys on the weak in ...
4/9/2009 1:19 PM ET
Charles Blow: "...some of the right's talking heads are talking about an armed revolt....Crazy stuff methinks."
4/9/2009 1:00 PM ET
Times Watch recently criticized the paper for scrubbing a reference to the Communist nature of the genocidal Khmer Rouge. Today, the word "Communist" is prominent.
4/9/2009 12:52 PM ET
Liberal reporter turned blogger tries to use his Western street cred to argue for stricter gun control.
4/8/2009 4:44 PM ET
Obama visits Baghdad: "In Unexpected Visit to Iraq, Obama Wins Troops' Cheers." Bush visits Baghdad in Thanksgiving 2003: "President Bush with American troops yesterday at the mess hall at Baghdad ...
4/8/2009 12:51 PM ET
Looking for some actual analysis of Obama's trip to Turkey? Forget it. Reporter Helene Cooper praised Obama's "bold" admission that he lived in Indonesia as a boy, while another story gushed: "A ...
4/8/2009 12:30 PM ET
Stanley writes, and the world goes "Huh?"
4/7/2009 2:23 PM ET
Are there really 67% more Democrats than Republicans out there? A Times/CBS poll assumes there are.