Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

Pompous "Conservative" NYT Columnist Brooks: "First They Went After the Rockefeller Republicans..."

Give me a break, Brooks: "First they went after the Rockefeller Republicans, but I was not a Rockefeller Republican. Then they went after the compassionate conservatives, but I was not a ...
Media Research Center

Occupy Wall Street Infiltrates NYT Stories on Play Revival and Titanic Anniversary (Again)

Charles Isherwood, theater critic, plays financial reformer: "The Occupy Wall Street movement has brought an intensified focus on the growing inequities in the economy and the dubious practices ...
Media Research Center

Maureen Dowd on the GOP's "Uncharitable Nasties" and the "Barking-Mad Republicans of Virginia"

Columnist Maureen Dowd on the GOP's new Cotton Mathers: "How can the warm, nurturing Catholic Church of my youth now be represented in the public arena by uncharitable nasties like Gingrich ...
Media Research Center

NYT Sees GOP "Stampede to the Right" in 2012 and a "Hollowed Out" Center in Congress

The Times sees a Republican "stampede to the right" in 2012: "The rightward tilt has consequences for Congress and the Obama administration as it has hollowed out the center in Congress and made ...
Media Research Center

Jackie Calmes Potrays Obama as Inspiring Deficit Hawk in Epic Monday Front-Page Story

Jackie Calmes once again boosts Obama as a (secret) budget hawk: "...Mr. Obama has come to adopt most of the major tenets supported by a majority of the commission’s members, though his ...

Chicago Reporter for NYTimes Suggests GOP Candidates' Rising "Anti-Muslim Rhetoric" Could Lead to Hate Crimes

Reporter David Lepeska in the Chicago edition of the New York Times: "As anti-Muslim rhetoric rises locally and nationally -- some of it fueled by the presidential campaign...The effect of these ...
Media Research Center

Keller Confesses: NYT Reporters Lean Left, But Absolutely Objective Paper Would Be 'Tedious'

Former executive editor Bill Keller on where his paper's liberal streak was most noticable: " would probably fall under the realm of social issues, by and large." He then defended the paper's ...
Media Research Center

Hypocritical NYT Columnist Tells Romney to "Stick That in Your Magic Underwear"

New York Times columnist Charles Blow critcized allegedly anti-gay Twitter posts by CNN commentator Roland Martin, claiming “Twitter claims another casualty.” Apparently Blow learned nothing. ...
Media Research Center

Global Warming Slapfight: NYT's Revkin Takes on Far-Left Climate Activists

Andrew Revkin, former environmental reporter for the Times and strong global warming believer, now finds himself under attack from far-left climate activists for criticizing the conduct of climate ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Calmes Again Excuses Obama for Broken Promise on Deficit Reduction, 'Dealt a Bad Hand'

Jackie Calmes on Washington Week defends Obama's broken promise on reducing the deficit: "You know, it’s probably the president made that promise in like February of 2009, just after taking ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Rosenthal Compares Pre-Abortion Ultrasound to Rape, But It's the Counterarguments That Are "Deranged"?

New York Times editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal, safe from "deranged" arguments inside his liberal cocoon, himself makes a deranged argument against a Virginia law, comparing ultrasound to ...
Media Research Center

For Anti-War Reporter, "Feverish" Talk of Iran Nuclear Threat Is "New Whiff of Gunpowder in the Air"

Reporter Scott Shane is not pleased with the "inflammatory oratory" and "strident" talk around possible threats from an Iran equipped with nuclear capability: "...why is there already a new whiff ...

NYT Editorials, News Stories Agree on "Miserable" and "Unbearable" Lives of Illegals

When it comes to illegal immigration, it's hard to tell the left-wing Times editorial from the paper's "objective" news stories, since they all dwell on how "miserable," "unbearable," and ...
Media Research Center

Carl Hulse Indulges Russ Feingold's Preening Liberal Melodrama

New York Times congressional reporter Carl Hulse indulges liberal Sen. Russ Feingold's preening post-9-11 melodrama: "The pleasant Capitol Hill neighborhood that he inhabited became an armed ...
Media Research Center

David Carr, Who Called Midwesterners "Low-Sloping Foreheads," Cries Racism Over Lin Headline

Veteran media reporter David Carr declared an unfortunate ESPN headline slurring the ethnicity of the Knicks' Jeremy Lin as one of myriad “underlying racist tropes that still lurk in the id of ...
Media Research Center

Surprise: Sunday's Lead Slot Warns High Gas Prices May Hurt Obama's Reelection Chances

The New York Times tends to soft-pedal dangers like rising gas prices during Democratic administrations, while playing them up during Republican ones. But not on Sunday: The lead story brought ...
Media Research Center

Reporter Oppel Misleads on Santorum's "Phony Theology" Quote, Gets Aggrieved Attacking Obama Skeptics

After conflating Santorum's criticism of Obama's energy policy with questioning the president's faith, Richard Oppel Jr. takes off the reporter mask to get offended on Obama's behalf: "Assertions ...
Media Research Center

Krugman's Revealing Playboy Interview: Supports Occupy Movement, Defends Revolting 9-11 Anniversary Comments

Columnist Paul Krugman in Playboy (an interview, thank goodness) says Occupy Wall Street has performed a "great service," and brags on himself for being persecuted during the post-9-11 period: ...

Landon Thomas's Brilliant Solution to British Youth Unemployment: More Job-Training Schemes

Landon Thomas Jr. blames the "debt-driven austerity crusade" and lack of tax-funded job training for youth unemployment in England: "...experts say the British government’s debt-reduction ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Embraces Stolen Heartland Institute Docs, Snottily Dismisses Climate Skepticism

The Times embraces stolen documents from an activist group skeptical of global warming, and snottily dismisses the Heartland Institute's claim the theory is "a major scientific controversy." "It ...