Colleen Raezler

Author Articles

Beyond Bunnies and Jelly Bellies: USA Today Explores True Meaning of Easter

Article challenges popular definition of sin and allows Christians to cite the correct definition.

Money Talks, but Will Hollywood Listen?

A new study shows less profanity in film leads to higher profits for movie studios.

A Book for Culture Warriors

CMIs Colleen Raezler reviews the blockbuster book by Carol Platt Liebau documenting the blizzard of provocative sexual messages the media are sending to our children. Prude: How the Sex-Obsessed ...

Whoopi! ABC's Goldberg Calls for Legalizing Prostitution

The View's hostess responds to the Spitzer scandal by arguing for decriminalizing the flesh trade, ignoring the pain of infidelity and the exploitation of vulnerable women.

ABC, NBC Continue to Ignore Personal Responsibility for Foreclosures

Four months after CMI released a study on debt coverage,only CBS addresses the character question in mortgage crisis stories.

Today Show Features Author Who Excuses Lying

NBC host Meredith Vieira fails to stand up for character and truthtelling.

NBC Focuses on Quality Family Time

Today Show highlights low-cost, low-tech ways for families to spend time together.

Oscar's a Grouch this Year

The Oscars flopped this year, along with all those anti-military, anti-Iraq War movies. Even Michael Moore went belly-up.

CBS Evening News Acknowledges that Premature Babies Feel Pain

The network leaves one question unanswered: why do some physicians still say infants don't feel pain?

'Dumb' Americans

Author Susan Jacoby attacks conservatives and religious believers while promoting new book.

Morning Media's Valentines to Vulgarity

Jane Fonda drops the C-bomb on NBC's Today Show, and ABC's The View trots out bare-chested Chippendales and condoms.

CNN Headline News Backs Transgenderism – For an 8-Year-Old

Prime News host Richelle Carey's piece was so biased, the TransYouth Family Advocates are using it to raise money.

'Rehab': Celebrity Mantra of 2007 – and Grammy Winner

To the awards voters, 'art' trumps everything, even rotten messages.

CosmoGirl's Pot Calls the Kettle Black

The teen-oriented glossy takes a shot at Hollywood and Madison Avenue for pushing sex on young girls. Have they read their own magazine?

Who Knew? CBS Develops a Conscience on Britney

Maggie Rodriguez announces The Early Show will show extreme restraint regarding paparazzi photos.

America's Tabloid Coliseum

During the Roman Empire days, people would cram into coliseums to be entertained by gladiators fighting to the death. Have we created a modern American counterpart?

Take Two Pills and Reserve Your Place in Rehab

NBC highlights prescription drug abuse, but only in the wake of tragedy.

With the Digital Revolution, We Need to Rethink Privacy

Society's rules seem to be changing faster than people can keep up.

On Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Decision, Law & Order: SVU Depicts Pro-Lifers as Hypocrites and Criminals

Note to NBC: Not all pro-life activists are nut jobs who break the law to advance their mission.

A Media Shift on the Abortion Issue?

As America marks the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, media coverage of a high-profile murder case, recent pro-life films and plummeting abortion rates indicate a cultural current recognizing ...