Colleen Raezler

Author Articles

Media Laud Title IX; Ignore Dark Side

Sixty-five percent of broadcast discussions focus on gains by female athletes and white-wash the negative effects on men.

NPR: Young Adults in Search of Sex, Not Love

Reports defend hook ups, barely examine larger issues of casual sex.

ABC: Abortion Broadcasting Company

'World News Sunday' features a propaganda piece on late-term abortion.

Sex-Crazed Cosmo Highlights Women Who Don't Have Sex

Women's magazine finds seven virgins who are not holding out for religious reasons or for marriage.

Media: Tiller a Martyr, Abortion Not Killing and Pro-Lifers are Crazy

In reporting his murder, networks and blogs paint late-term abortionist Tiller as courageous defender of women.

Voters Triumph in California; Nets Cover Protesters

Seventy percent of the broadcast network coverage of court ruling on Proposition 8 focused on gay activists' reaction.

Sex, More Sex and Jesus?

Analysis of ABC's Faith Matters segments reveals network preoccupation with sexuality and Christianity.

Media Let Culture Wars Cloud 'American Idol' Win

Networks and print usually love tales of underdogs – unless they're heterosexual Christian underdogs.

Networks Lead the Cheer for Obama's Notre Dame Address

On abortion, he talked a good game, and that was enough for reporters.

Another Day, Another Softball MSNBC Interview with Perez Hilton

Network's Brewer bemoans the lack of apology from Miss California to vulgar blogger.

Silent Spring for Networks on Recent Same-Sex Marriage Decisions

Nightly news programs fail to cover liberal definitions of marriage.

Newsweek Frets about Christian Influence on 'Idol' Voting

Newsweek's Setoodeh worries audiences will let sexuality rule over talent

Religion Blogger Exaggerates Fox' Take on Obama No-Show at National Day of Prayer Events

Dallas News' Wayne Slater confuses reasonable discussion with 'gnashing of teeth.'

Chris Matthews Portrays GOP as Anti-Science

According to MSNBC host, not believing in evolution is a rejection of the scientific method.

Shuster-fied Tolerance

Inflammatory MSNBC reporter lectures Joe the Plumber on accepting others.

'Views' from the Left

Time honors ABC's chat-fest; Walters admits liberal thought rules.

Prejean Needs No Enemies with Friends Like NBC

'Today' host Matt Lauer again forces Miss California to defend her stance on traditional marriage.

CNN Correspondent Jabs President on FOCA, 'Above My Pay Grade' Answer

Ed Henry shows the Obama-fied press corps how to challenge a public official.

'Torturing' Terrorists for National Security? Bad. Torturing Teenagers for Entertainment? OK

The networks are shocked about dubious 'torture' for security information but refuse to discuss why Hollywood promotes its use.

Media Help Activists in Aggressive Push to Embrace Homosexuality

Outlets act as gay voice on Day of Silence; gloss over LGBT attacks on people who believe differently.