Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D.

Author Articles

Dear Fla. Times-Union: Buying Local Hurts Locals

Paying higher prices hurts everyone now and down the road.

Dear NY Times: Bailouts Undermine Themselves

The problem with government bailouts is that they prevent companies from making necessary changes to compete.

Dear WSJ: Dumping Is Not Harmful

Despite criticism of dumping, the trade practice is not unfair or damaging.

Dear WSJ: Market is Risk Regulator

Systemic risks are small when the market is free, voluntary and open to competition.

Dear Wall Street Journal: CEO Pay Caps are Micromanagement

How is dictating pay structure for executives not government interference?

Dear NY Times: Savings Creates Efficiencies

Both Jeffrey Sachs and Paul Krugman Are Wrong About Oversaving

Dear NY Times: Guilty Comforts

Before complaining about fluffy toilet paper's enviro-impact remember your business requires tree cutting too.

Dear Boston Globe: Rickshaws Create Jobs Too

Mass transit is the wrong place to look for job creation.

Dear Wash. Post: 'Lord of Finance' Review Ignores Fact

British return to gold standard caused hardship because the price was set too low.

Dear CBS Radio: It Isn't Voluntary When Threats are Involved

Dept. of Agriculture country-of-origin labeling wouldn't actually be a choice.

Dear WSJ: Morici is Wrong on Trade Deficit

Worries about China/U.S. trade is 'unwarranted.'

Dear NY Times: Less Misery Than the '70s, '80s

Despite Krugman's hysteria, the facts don't support his fear.

Dear NY Times: Poverty is No Solace

Norris' 'upside to resisting globalization' may be true, but is little comfort to the poor.

Dear WSJ: No More New Deal Ideas

Like other New Deal plans, subsidizing mortgages will only encourage folly.

Dear WSJ: Armey's Right

Keynes' impatience led to economic confusion and poor discipline.

Dear NY Times: Hoover's Spirit Alive in Obama

Obama and Congress look to protectionism, higher taxes on the wealthy just like Hoover.

Dear NY Times: Let's Not Create Another Bubble

Rich's op-ed complains about the jobs mirage caused by the housing bubble, but fails to criticize the stimulus package for doing the same.

Dear NPR: Keynes vs. Hayek

Don't forget the Austrian school of economics and Keynes rival F.A. Hayek.

Dear WSJ: Higher Wages and Productivity

Yes, higher wages and productivity correlate, but by excluding low-skilled workers.

Dear Wash. Times: Mile High Hypocrisy

There's something 'sick' about the President scolding Citigroup for private jets.