Erin Brown
Author Articles
10/26/2010 1:00 AM ET
American Morning anchor Kiran Chetry challenges the spiritual motives of Delaware Senate Candidate Christine O'Donnell.
10/25/2010 1:00 AM ET
The oft-criticized Republican Party gets hit again by the fashion magazine, one week prior to midterms.
10/22/2010 1:00 AM ET
HuffPo contributor misses the point about a woman's right to choose.
10/20/2010 1:00 AM ET
Popular youth-oriented show's actors wear little for men's magazine; will media ignore?
10/20/2010 1:00 AM ET
Facebook and Hollywood are the latest to ignore depression and divorce as contributing factors to increasing youth suicides.
10/20/2010 1:00 AM ET
Site claims celebrity shoplifters and soft-core pornography publications banned from Wal-Mart stores are 'victims' of the retail giant.
10/18/2010 1:00 AM ET
Poem sparks controversy, author looks for 'enlightening debate.'
10/18/2010 1:00 AM ET
Group demands censorship of offending scene.
10/15/2010 1:00 AM ET
ABC, CBS, and NBC didn't ignore spiritual comments from trapped miners.
10/14/2010 1:00 AM ET
EA's 'Medal of Honor' fails to remove divisive enemy combatant multi-player option.
10/13/2010 1:00 AM ET
Recent teen suicides inspire celebs to condemn bullying.
10/12/2010 1:00 AM ET
Shrink defends monogamy in surprisingly good segment.
4/10/2009 1:00 AM ET
Early Show co-host Maggie Rodriguez laughs off concerns about Burger King Kids Meal ad featuring sex and SpongeBob.
3/25/2009 1:00 AM ET
The Multifetal-reduction piece isn't a complete picture, never giving pro-life women a voice.
3/24/2009 1:00 AM ET
In an emotional six page narrative, Oprah's magazine comes out in favor of lesbianism.
3/18/2009 1:00 AM ET
The Left is crazy over the sexy new first couple.
3/16/2009 1:00 AM ET
CBS Early Show feigns concern over sacred Mormon temple scene in HBO's series Big Love.
3/13/2009 1:00 AM ET
Hats off to ABC for a balanced and informative segment about converted call girls who have turned to religion.
3/11/2009 1:00 AM ET
The popular animated show Family Guy aired a homosexual orgy and a baby eating horse semen during Sunday's family hour.
3/6/2009 2:00 AM ET
MSNBC host throws out unfounded accusations about anti-abortion movement saying it wants to 'throw people in jail.'