Geoffrey Dickens is the Deputy Research Director at the Media Research Center. He currently writes for all of the MRC's publications and outlets including,, Notable Quotables and has contributed to past projects including MediaWatch and MagazineWatch. Dickens has made several appearances on radio talk shows around the nation. His articles have been featured on many websites including the Drudge Report. You can see them here.
Born and raised in Alexandria, Virginia this native Washingtonian briefly left the area to earn a degree from Indiana University's School of Journalism. When he's not monitoring the media's liberal bias, Dickens can be found rooting for his beloved Washington Redskins, Washington Wizards, Washington Capitals and Indiana Hoosiers.
Click here to follow Geoffrey Dickens on Twitter.
Author Articles
5/4/2010 3:57 PM ET
Tuesday marks the 40th anniversary of the Kent State shootings, and over the weekend Chris Matthews and his liberal cronies, on his syndicated The Chris Matthews Show, previewed the event as they ...
5/3/2010 11:24 AM ET
Barack Obama's performance at the Washington Correspondent's Dinner drew rave reviews from the Today show cast on Monday, as everyone agreed with Al Roker's assessment that the President was "on ...
4/30/2010 10:28 AM ET
Both Marco Rubio and Charlie Crist appeared live on Friday's Today show, and both received the same question by NBC's Meredith Vieira, was Crist's departure from the GOP just another example of ...
4/28/2010 3:31 PM ET
NBC's Matt Lauer, on Wednesday's Today show, previewed a segment about an FTC campaign about the evils of businesses marketing to children, as he alerted viewers: "Plus the barrage of ads our kids ...
4/28/2010 11:33 AM ET
On Wednesday's Today show, NBC's Matt Lauer invited on Democratic Senator Carl Levin and Republican Senator Susan Collins to have what was, ostensibly, a bipartisan discussion about the Goldman ...
4/26/2010 7:02 PM ET
Chris Matthews spent an entire segment of Monday's Hardball sucking up to director James Cameron as the MSNBC host prodded the "Avatar" director to trash those in the "right wing media" who deny ...
4/26/2010 10:38 AM ET
NBC's Matt Lauer, on Monday's Today show, confronted Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio with a cartoon that depicted a man being arrested for buying nachos, as the Today co-anchor pressed ...
4/23/2010 9:28 AM ET
NYT writer and CNBC personality John Harwood pressed Barack Obama about the need to regulate Wall Street as he questioned the president if Americans needed to view financial companies in the same ...
4/22/2010 3:53 PM ET
Comic legend and liberal activist Chevy Chase, on Thursday's Today show, told viewers he'll be emceing a charity auction to benefit liberal greenie groups like the NRDC and revealed NBC's own Matt ...
4/22/2010 11:31 AM ET
CNBC's John Harwood, in an interview aired on Thursday's Today show, pressed Barack Obama about the need to regulate Wall Street as he questioned the President if Americans needed to view them in ...
4/20/2010 5:54 PM ET
Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's Hardball, claimed Republicans like Marco Rubio were engaged in a "Stalinesque" purge of the GOP.
4/20/2010 10:01 AM ET
A new Pew poll that shows just 22 percent of respondents trust the government was actually covered by NBC Nightly News on Monday night but for some reason NBC's Today show didn't find that news ...
4/15/2010 3:18 PM ET
A visibly perturbed Jay Barbree, during MSNBC live coverage on Thursday, called out Barack Obama for making cuts in NASA that could result, as he claimed, in 9,000 employees losing their jobs even ...
4/15/2010 12:24 PM ET
NBC's Andrea Mitchell, on Thursday's Today show, delivered a snarky piece about Sarah Palin "making millions on books" and "highly paid speeches"going as far to portray the former Republican ...
4/14/2010 5:11 PM ET
Bill Maher and Chris Matthews, on Wednesday's Hardball, denigrated Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann as merely "attractive" women with very little smarts with the HBO host even going as far to use ...
4/13/2010 5:52 PM ET
Chris Matthews is becoming a master of the odd analogy. In the past Matthews has compared favorites of the left like Bill Clinton to Jesus and Barack Obama to God and those on the right like Rush ...
4/8/2010 5:39 PM ET
At the end of a show that included Chris Matthews inviting on Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen to compare the Tea Party to the KKK, the Hardball host finished Thursday with a rant questioning if ...
4/7/2010 3:21 PM ET
Thanks to James Cameron's Avatar, environmentalists have a whole new way to preach to audiences about their over consumption. Invited on Wednesday's Today show to showcase endangered species, Sea ...
4/6/2010 6:19 PM ET
Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's Hardball, invited on Time editor and Nelson Mandela biographer Richard Stengel to clarify his comparisons of Mandela to Barack Obama as the MSNBC host prodded him to ...
4/5/2010 6:41 PM ET
Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, took after Rush Limbaugh for his use of the words "regime" and "junta" in talking about Barack Obama's presidency, as hysterically claimed Limbaugh's ...