Joseph Rossell

Staff Writer for MRC Business
Author Articles
Media Research Center

Gas Below $3 in 49 States, Senators Call for Gas Tax Hike

As falling prices poised to be ‘big plus for the economy’ politicians consider ‘option’ of higher taxes.
Media Research Center

‘Key’ Obamacare Rule Mentioned in Just One Story as It Takes Effect

Employer mandate ignored by 95 percent of network broadcasts although it will cost businesses, could negatively impact Americans.
Media Research Center

New Regulations May Drive California Egg Prices Up 40%

Farmers tell Associated Press it will cost millions to upgrade facilities.
Media Research Center

Columnist Finds ‘Downside’ to Low Gas Prices, They ‘Undo Progress’ on Green Energy

Detroit News publishes David Lazarus’ claims U.S. ‘dependence’ on fossil fuels is like crack addiction.
Media Research Center

If Not for Taxes, Gas Would be Below $2 in 29 States

Media say declining gas prices act like a ‘tax cut,’ while lefties call for higher gas taxes.
Media Research Center

75% of Stories Ignore Law That Might Derail Newtown Gun Suit

Networks overlook 2005 law that limits lawsuits against gun manufacturers.
Media Research Center

Venezuelan President: U.S. Fracking Has ‘Flooded’ Oil Markets

Maduro said American oil production has ‘hurt’ Venezuelan regime.
Media Research Center

Bloomberg to Hybrid Buyers: ‘Don’t Pull Out A Calculator’

Lower gas prices mean Toyota Prius ‘is for drivers who stink at math.’
Media Research Center

Oil and Gas Prices Drop, But Nets Refuse to Credit Fracking in 93% of Stories

Networks’ evening shows rarely admit contribution of drilling technology to booming U.S. production.
Media Research Center

Even HuffPo Admits Obamacare Calorie Regulations May Not Work

Liberal site finds experts who say diners don’t actually ‘eat less’ when calories are posted.  
Media Research Center

AlterNet: Cruz Courts ‘Pro-Israel Extremists,’ But Radical Liberal Donors No Problem

Religious leaders, entrepreneurs and Holocaust survivors portrayed as radicals.
Media Research Center

10 Ways Liberals Stuff Thanksgiving With Attacks On Capitalism

Outrageous claims that drain all the goodness and fun out of Turkey Day
Media Research Center

‘60 Minutes’: Disaster Looms, U.S. Must Raise Taxes by ‘Hundreds of Billions’

CBS show won’t ask Obama why he didn’t spend more on transportation.
Media Research Center

AlterNet: Pets ‘Public Enemy Number Two’ Due to ‘Negative Impact’ on Climate

Left-wing website decries pets’ massive ‘carbon paw prints.’
Media Research Center

Book Review: Strategies for Surviving Scandal in the Internet Age

In his book “Glass Jaw,” Eric Dezenhall discusses how to react to the growing power of the internet and instant scandals.
Media Research Center

Washington Post: When Will GOP ‘Stop Worrying and Love Obamacare?’

Post suggests Obamacare’s ‘biggest obstacle’ is ‘public image,’ ignores premium hikes, downgraded enrollment forecasts.
Media Research Center

HuffPost: Koch Brothers ‘Bought Themselves an Election,’ Democrats to Get Keystone XL

Eco-Activist says that Senate Democrats ‘are more concerned about politics than the planet.’
Media Research Center

Five Years Since ClimateGate: Ten Credibility-Killing Quotes from the Data Files the Media Ignored

Climate science programmer’s HARRY_READ_ME file shows frustration, lack of training, missing data.
Media Research Center

Flashback: Video Mocks Michael Mann in ‘Hide the Decline’

Leaked ClimateGate emails prompt Minnesotans for Global Warming to ridicule prominent global warming alarmist.
Media Research Center

Mark Cuban: Net Neutrality Regulations Parallel ‘Ayn Rand Books’

Businessman tweets that Internet is ‘working,’ government shouldn’t interfere.