Kyle Drennen

Senior News Analyst

Kyle Drennen is the Media Research Center's Senior News Analyst and a Contributing Editor to NewsBusters. He is the co-author of the 2014 Media Reality Check study, TV News Blacks Out This Year’s Bad Election News for Democrats. His media analysis has been routinely cited by nationally syndicated radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, as well as on Fox News and The Wall Street Journal’s website. He joined the MRC in 2007 after graduating from Providence College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and political science.

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Author Articles

CBS: Gay Community 'Celebrated The End of An Era' With DADT Repeal

At the top of a report on CBS's Sunday Morning, correspondent Whit Johnson proclaimed: "In San Francisco yesterday, they celebrated the end of an era. After nearly two decades, the policy of ...

CBS: Letting Americans Keep Their Own Money = 'Holiday Gift' from Congress

On Friday's CBS Early Show, congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes reported on the passage of legislation to extend current tax rates and described it as: "an early holiday gift for every ...

CBS's Smith: Do ObamaCare Opponents 'Have A Legal Leg to Stand On?'

On Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith seemed skeptical of the legal reasoning of a federal judge who ruled part of ObamaCare was unconstitutional: "The thing that he objects to most ...

CBS's Stahl Worries 'Mr. Hell No' John Boehner Will Be A 'Hardline Conservative' Speaker

Introducing her interview with presumptive Speaker of the House John Boehner on Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS correspondent Lesley Stahl proclaimed: "...which John Boehner will show up as speaker, the ...

Networks Sympathetic to Violent UK Protests Against 'Skyrocketing' College Tuition

On Friday, all three network morning shows expressed sympathy for protestors in London rioting against college tuition increases, despite a Thursday attack on the royal family. While CBS's Early ...

CBS's Smith to DNC Chair: Are Higher Taxes 'Ever Going to Go Back Into Effect?'

In an interview with Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine on Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith seemed to lament the deal to extend current tax rates and wondered: "...this ...

Same Media That Fretted Over 'No Compromise' GOP, Now Distressed Obama 'Caving In' On Taxes

In the wake of November's election results there was much discussion in the press over whether or not the newly strengthened Republican Party would be willing to compromise with Democrats. ...

By 6-to-1 Margin, Networks Paint Debate Over 'Tax Cuts,' Not Raising Rates

Even with Monday's deal between President Obama and top Republicans, no American's income tax rates will actually decline on January 1. Yet throughout this debate, the broadcast networks have ...

MSNBC's Mitchell Touts Planned Parenthood Poll Claiming Palin Not Trusted on 'Women's Health Issues'

During Tuesday's 1PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Andrea Mitchell highlighted a new poll from the left-wing pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood that claimed that voters do not trust Sarah Palin on ...

CBS Frets Over Obama's Liberal Base Being Upset By Possible Tax Deal

On Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith discussed a potential deal between the Obama administration and House Republicans on maintaining current tax rates, declaring: "The Democrats are ' ...

CBS Early Show Ignores Rangel Censure, ABC and NBC Are Sympathetic to New York Democrat

On Friday, the CBS Early Show failed to make any mention of New York Democratic Congressman Charles Rangel being censured by the House of Representatives on Thursday for 11 ethics violations. ...

Krauthammer on 'Inside Washington' Bias: 'Tag Team Wrestling In Which I Don't Have A Team'

Appearing on Tuesday's O'Reilly Factor on FNC, columnist Charles Krauthammer described his role on the political panel show 'Inside Washington': "'s a very liberal's tag team ...

Gay Rights Activist/MSNBC Anchor Contessa Brewer: Support for DADT 'Doesn't Make A Lot of Sense'

During Wednesday's 12PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Contessa Brewer attacked those who want to maintain the military's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy: "...the Marine Corps and Catholic chaplains, who ...

CBS Issues 'Gridlock Alert,' Warns That GOP 'Put A Halt on Cooperating'

At the top of Wednesday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Erica Hill fretted over Republicans pledging to focus solely on economic issues in the lame duck session of Congress: "Gridlock alert. ...

CBS's Plante Chides: Republicans 'In No Mood to Compromise' with Obama

On Tuesday's CBS Early Show, senior White House correspondent Bill Plante scolded Republicans for not being willing to work with Democrats in an upcoming White House meeting: "President Obama made ...

CBS's Pelley Promotes Claim Supreme Court 'Stole' 2000 Election for Bush in John Paul Stevens Interview

In a softball interview with retired liberal Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens on Sunday's 60 Minutes, correspondent Scott Pelley touted Stevens's opposition to the court ruling on the 2000 ...

Networks Hype GOP Division Over Palin, Claim She's 'On the Verge of Overexposure'

On Monday, all three network morning shows eagerly highlighted former First Lady Barbara Bush voicing opposition to a Sarah Palin presidential run while suggesting the former Alaska governor has ...

MSNBC's Brewer Promotes Electric Car Charging Stations as Parent Company GE Sells Them

Displaying a clear conflict of interest during Friday's 12PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Contessa Brewer did a story promoting electric car charging stations but did not disclose to viewers that the ...

In New Book, Palin Calls Out Media for Promoting Levi Johnston

On Friday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Nancy Cordes reported on leaked excerpts of Sarah Palin's new book, 'America By Heart,' claiming, "some of the topics she tackles may be surprising." One ...

CBS Early Show Declares Auto Bailout a Success, Celebrates 'GM's Big Comeback'

At the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith cheered the public trading of General Motors stock as evidence that Obama administration's bailout of the auto industry had worked: ...