Kyle Drennen is the Media Research Center's Senior News Analyst and a
Contributing Editor to NewsBusters. He is the co-author of the 2014 Media Reality Check study, TV News Blacks Out This Year’s Bad Election News for Democrats.
His media analysis has been routinely cited by nationally syndicated
radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, as well as on Fox News and The Wall Street Journal’s
WSJ.com website. He joined the MRC in 2007 after graduating from
Providence College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and
political science.
Follow Kyle on Twitter
Email Kyle at kdrennen@mrc.org
Author Articles
11/19/2014 2:51 PM ET
While NBC Nightly News has failed to mention Jonathan Gruber's scandalous comments about ObamaCare for eleven days, Comedy Central's fake newsman Jon Stewart devoted eight minutes to the ...
11/18/2014 3:46 PM ET
In a Tuesday article, Baltimore Sun media critic David Zurawik examined the reason behind Fox News beating every other TV news outlet in the ratings – including NBC, ABC and CBS – during November ...
11/18/2014 12:00 PM ET
Appearing on Fox News's Special Report Monday, columnist Charles Krauthammer suggested that the reason President Obama waited a week to comment on the Jonathan Gruber ObamaCare scandal was because ...
11/17/2014 4:59 PM ET
Appearing on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Monday, Molly Ball of The Atlantic argued that the reason ObamaCare critics were seizing on the comments from Jonathan Gruber was because things ...
11/17/2014 11:49 AM ET
After 2013 comments from ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber crediting passage of the law on "the stupidity of the American voter" went viral over a week ago, NBC's Today finally covered the major ...
11/17/2014 9:01 AM ET
In a scathing article for the Los Angeles Times on Sunday, reporter Robyn Dixon slammed Australia as “The adolescent country. The bit player. The shrimp of the schoolyard.” She contemptuously ...
11/14/2014 2:08 PM ET
Appearing on TBS's Conan Thursday night, NBC's Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd downplayed the big Republican wave in the midterm election: "...they didn't win because people said, 'We want to ...
11/14/2014 10:02 AM ET
NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams was inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame Thursday night and received an introduction from rock star Bruce Springsteen, who proclaimed: "To paraphrase a ...
11/13/2014 3:34 PM ET
In a softball interview with Environmental Protection Agency administrator Gina McCarthy on Thursday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell teed up the Obama administration official to dismiss legitimate ...
11/13/2014 12:19 PM ET
At the top of her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Wednesday, host Andrea Mitchell cheered President Obama "achieving a landmark climate agreement" with China to restrict carbon emissions: "I know ...
11/13/2014 10:39 AM ET
After a video of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber declaring that the health care law only passed due to the "stupidity of the American voter" went viral over the weekend, the Big Three ...
11/12/2014 3:14 PM ET
On Tuesday, the White House announced that President Obama would award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to former NBC Nightly News anchor and current special correspondent Tom Brokaw – among ...
11/11/2014 11:21 AM ET
On Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd began writing Barack Obama's political obituary, but did so in the most sympathetic way possible. Lauer cited a ...
11/10/2014 5:06 PM ET
Introducing what amounted to a White House press release on Saturday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Lester Holt opened the broadcast by parroting President Obama's praise for attorney general nominee ...
11/10/2014 2:25 PM ET
Worrying about President Obama's lame duck status following major Democratic Party losses in the midterm election, on Sunday's NBC Nightly News, White House correspondent Kristen Welker ...
11/7/2014 2:48 PM ET
In a report for Friday's NBC Today, White House correspondent Kristen Welker continued the network's effort to preemptively blame Republicans for any gridlock that may occur in Washington ...
11/6/2014 3:41 PM ET
Of the three network morning shows on Thursday, only NBC's Today highlighted Kentucky Senator Rand Paul's viral social media meme, #HillarysLosers, which pointed out that every Democratic ...
11/6/2014 11:58 AM ET
On Thursday's NBC Today, White House correspondent Chris Jansing blamed Republicans for upsetting the supposed conciliatory mood in Washington following Tuesday's GOP midterm wave: "Well, what ...
11/5/2014 12:34 PM ET
On Wednesday's CBS This Morning, co-host Norah O'Donnell fretted that the newly elected Republican Congress would dare to pass legislation: "If you look at a number of these new senators, they're ...
11/5/2014 9:29 AM ET
Following the big Republican wave in Tuesday's midterm election, on Wednesday, Today co-host Matt Lauer immediately demanded that the new GOP-controlled Congress capitulate to President Obama: ...