Kyle Drennen is the Media Research Center's Senior News Analyst and a
Contributing Editor to NewsBusters. He is the co-author of the 2014 Media Reality Check study, TV News Blacks Out This Year’s Bad Election News for Democrats.
His media analysis has been routinely cited by nationally syndicated
radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, as well as on Fox News and The Wall Street Journal’s
WSJ.com website. He joined the MRC in 2007 after graduating from
Providence College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and
political science.
Follow Kyle on Twitter
Email Kyle at kdrennen@mrc.org
Author Articles
2/12/2013 1:20 PM ET
On Sunday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Peter Alexander
sounded like he was simply reciting a White House press release about
President Obama's upcoming State of the Union address rather ...
2/11/2013 5:39 PM ET
On Sunday's Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory seized on an item in Politico arguing that upcoming sequester budget cuts could prove to be a "time bomb" for Republicans: "And
the political ...
2/11/2013 3:10 PM ET
On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory
demanded Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor admit that the
Republican Party's fundamental principles led to electoral defeat ...
2/11/2013 12:41 PM ET
On the day Pope Benedict XVI announced that he would be stepping down from the Papacy, NBC's Monday Today featured a report by correspondent Michelle Kosinski, who offered these highlights of the ...
2/11/2013 10:25 AM ET
Filling in for host Chuck Todd on Friday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza gushed over the popularity of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: "Hillary
Clinton is ...
2/8/2013 4:51 PM ET
During a panel discussion on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Friday, Meet the Press moderator David Gregory touted President Obama's swagger leading up to Tuesday's State of the Union ...
2/8/2013 12:19 PM ET
While the NBC and CBS morning shows on Friday both covered troubling
Thursday testimony from outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta that
revealed President Obama's lack of engagement during ...
2/7/2013 11:48 AM ET
In an interview with Pattie Mallette, mother of pop star Justin Bieber, on Thursday's NBC Today,
co-host Savannah Guthrie worried about Mallette's producing role in an
upcoming film: "...you ...
2/7/2013 10:24 AM ET
Wrapping up a panel discussion on Tuesday's NBC Today about New
Jersey Governor Chris Christie poking fun at his weight during a David
Letterman appearance, co-host Willie Geist argued the ...
2/6/2013 3:50 PM ET
On NBC's Wednesday Today, White House correspondent Peter Alexander wrung his hands over the possibility of sequester budget cuts happening next month: "If
you think of the federal budget as a ...
2/6/2013 9:38 AM ET
During a panel discussion on Tuesday's NBC Today about the White House releasing a photo of President Obama skeet shooting to dispel doubt about his claim of doing it "all the time," co-host Matt ...
2/5/2013 12:53 PM ET
On Tuesday's Today, while teasing NBC's third full report on
the unfolding scandal surrounding New Jersey Democratic Senator Robert
Menendez, co-host Matt Lauer proclaimed: "...we're hearing ...
2/4/2013 2:28 PM ET
Marking Hillary Clinton's final day as Secretary of State on Friday's NBC Nightly News, chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell gushed: "Clinton's
State Department farewell was ...
2/1/2013 4:06 PM ET
In a report at the top of Thursday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Kevin Tibbles fretted that "Despite bylaws that prohibit gun shops within city limits...Chicago appears to be awash in guns." A ...
1/31/2013 2:42 PM ET
In an interview with Al Gore aired on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Andrea Mitchell treated the former Vice President like a climate change prophet: "Floods.
Fires. Historic ...
1/30/2013 4:41 PM ET
During a panel discussion on Wednesday's NBC Today, the morning
show's regular liberal pundits had a panic attack over Milwaukee
Sheriff David Clarke putting out a radio ad calling on local ...
1/30/2013 11:33 AM ET
The headline NBC chose promote from chief foreign affairs correspondent
Andrea Mitchell's Tuesday interview with outgoing Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton was that Clinton really couldn't ...
1/29/2013 3:35 PM ET
After initially hitting Al Gore from the left for global warming "hypocrisy" during an interview on Tuesday's NBC Today,
in the second part of that interview later on the broadcast, co-host ...
1/29/2013 11:44 AM ET
Talking to Heritage Foundation president and former Republican Senator Jim DeMint on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory eagerly cited recent criticism of the GOP: "Colin Powell ...
1/29/2013 10:49 AM ET
In an interview with former Vice President Al Gore on Tuesday's Today,
co-host Matt Lauer fretted over the "hypocrisy" of the global warming
crusader selling his news channel Current TV to the ...