L. Brent Bozell III

Founder and President


Lecturer, syndicated columnist, television commentator, debater, marketer, businessman, author, publisher and activist, L. Brent Bozell III is one of the most outspoken and effective national leaders in the conservative movement today.

Founder and President of the Media Research Center, Mr. Bozell runs the largest media watchdog organization in America. Since its launch in 1987, the MRC has developed the largest video archive in the world; the popular NewsBusters.org blog site; the CNSNews.com internet news service; MRC Business; MRC Culture; and in April of 2014 launched MRC Latino. The MRC has over 800,000 members nationwide, with over 9 million fans on Facebook.

In 2010, Mr. Bozell founded ForAmerica, an organization committed to restoring America to its founding principles. ForAmerica has grown to over 7 million Facebook followers making it the largest social media organization in the conservative movement. It has also registered twice as Facebook’s most engaged group on its platform. In 1998, Mr. Bozell founded and was the first president of the Parents Television Council, the largest group in America dedicated to a restoring responsibility to Hollywood. He founded the Conservative Victory Committee PAC in 1987. Before founding the MRC, Mr. Bozell was the finance director and later the president of the National Conservative Political Action Committee.

Mr. Bozell's bi-weekly column is syndicated by Creators Syndicate to over 50 media outlets nationwide. His writings have also appeared in numerous other outlets including the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, FoxNews.com and USA Today. He is the author of four books, including And That’s the Way It Is(n’t) (with Brent Baker), Weapons of Mass Distortion, and Whitewash (with Tim Graham). His most recent book, Collusion: How the Media Stole the 2012 Election (with Tim Graham), was a national bestseller and named by USA Today as one of the “5 must-read books about the Obama-Romney race.” 

He has been a guest on numerous television programs, including the O'Reilly Factor, Nightline, The Today Show and Good Morning America. He appeared weekly on the "Media Mash" segment of Hannity, on the Fox News Channel, as well as regular appearances on The Kelly File, Your World with Neil Cavuto and Varney & Co

Named the 1998 Pew Memorial Lecturer by Grove City College, Mr. Bozell is a frequent speaker on school campuses and for civic and political organizations around the country. Mr. Bozell serves on numerous boards of public policy, religious and artistic organizations.

Mr. Bozell received his B.A. in History from the University of Dallas, where he was named the 1998 Alumnus of the Year. In 2015 he received an honorary PhD after delivering the commencement address there. He is married, with five children and ten grandchildren.

Author Articles

Washington Polling Games

It has become almost amusing, watching how the so-called "news" media are manipulating their own polls to keep the political weather sunny for their hero.

The Sadness of 'Sexting'

New trend of kids sending nude or semi-nude photos of themselves to other kids raises questions of what violates child-pornography laws.

The Sadness of 'Sexting'

Can a child be accused of child pornography? Could a child then be formally charged and convicted of it? These are the questions raised by the disturbing new trend called "sexting," teenagers ...

National Public Unfairness

There's a huge hole in all of the public discussion about the reimposition of a "Fairness Doctrine" or a return to "localism" on the talk-radio format: What about National Public Radio?

'South Park' vs. Purity

Rock stars are rarely controversial for acting like rock stars. A decadent lifestyle of sex, drugs, and alcohol abuse are the expected menu. In our upside-down popular culture, rock stars create ...

'South Park' Vs. Purity

Sleazy Comedy Central program calls Christians retarded and mocks sexual abstinence.

Congress and Excess

Outrage burst forth from lawmakers in Washington when the story broke that insurance giant AIG still planned to dole out $165 million in bonuses to executives while it teeters near bankruptcy, ...

Fire the Fox Censor

Since 2005, Nicole Bernard has been Fox Television's senior vice president for standards and practices. Someone should put her face on a milk carton, because anyone who watches Fox must suspect ...

Obama Sinks the Markets

On March 3, President Obama said something remarkably stupid, wrong and politically tone-deaf.

A Low-Tech Lent

Italian bishops urge congregations to give up electronic messaging until Easter.

A Low-Tech Lent?

Breathtakingly Bold Barack?

A Commercial For Adultery

A Commercial for Adultery?

A dating service for married people claims it's not enabling cheaters. Their slogan, Life's short, have an affair, says otherwise.

Eric Holder's No Healer

Sex And The Single Priest

We're Not All Socialists

The Other Side of Disgust

The Other Side of Disgust

New York Times Magazine contributor Daniel Bergner defends sexual deviancy in his new book.

Galluping Past Bad Polls?