Lecturer, syndicated columnist, television commentator, debater, marketer, businessman, author, publisher and activist, L. Brent Bozell III is one of the most outspoken and effective national leaders in the conservative movement today.
Founder and President of the Media Research Center, Mr. Bozell runs the largest media watchdog organization in America. Since its launch in 1987, the MRC has developed the largest video archive in the world; the popular NewsBusters.org blog site; the CNSNews.com internet news service; MRC Business; MRC Culture; and in April of 2014 launched MRC Latino. The MRC has over 800,000 members nationwide, with over 9 million fans on Facebook.
In 2010, Mr. Bozell founded ForAmerica, an organization committed to restoring America to its founding principles. ForAmerica has grown to over 7 million Facebook followers making it the largest social media organization in the conservative movement. It has also registered twice as Facebook’s most engaged group on its platform. In 1998, Mr. Bozell founded and was the first president of the Parents Television Council, the largest group in America dedicated to a restoring responsibility to Hollywood. He founded the Conservative Victory Committee PAC in 1987. Before founding the MRC, Mr. Bozell was the finance director and later the president of the National Conservative Political Action Committee.
Mr. Bozell's bi-weekly column is syndicated by Creators Syndicate to over 50 media outlets nationwide. His writings have also appeared in numerous other outlets including the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, FoxNews.com and USA Today. He is the author of four books, including And That’s the Way It Is(n’t) (with Brent Baker), Weapons of Mass Distortion, and Whitewash (with Tim Graham). His most recent book, Collusion: How the Media Stole the 2012 Election (with Tim Graham), was a national bestseller and named by USA Today as one of the “5 must-read books about the Obama-Romney race.”
He has been a guest on numerous television programs, including the O'Reilly Factor, Nightline, The Today Show and Good Morning America. He appeared weekly on the "Media Mash" segment of Hannity, on the Fox News Channel, as well as regular appearances on The Kelly File, Your World with Neil Cavuto and Varney & Co.
Named the 1998 Pew Memorial Lecturer by Grove City College, Mr. Bozell is a frequent speaker on school campuses and for civic and political organizations around the country. Mr. Bozell serves on numerous boards of public policy, religious and artistic organizations.
Mr. Bozell received his B.A. in History from the University of Dallas, where he was named the 1998 Alumnus of the Year. In 2015 he received an honorary PhD after delivering the commencement address there. He is married, with five children and ten grandchildren.
Author Articles
8/18/2012 7:52 AM ET
It's amazing how networks always looking for right-wing "hate crimes" could skip over a left-wing shooter at the Family Research Council's DC offices.
8/14/2012 10:25 PM ET
It took only minutes for the onslaught to begin. Paul Ryan was somehow a "budget slasher" who was "ripping" into the middle class. Can't they do math?
8/11/2012 10:43 PM ET
Stephen Colbert hosted ninety-something radical-left folksinger Pete Seeger, a shameless communist who hated every American military effort dating back to World War II.
8/7/2012 10:32 PM ET
Ultimately Barack Obama will never be outspent – if you were to
calculate the price of the promotional air time provided by the
pro-Obama media, and their relentless Romney-bashing.
8/4/2012 7:15 AM ET
In the eyes of the elite TV critics, the Kennedys are American royalty, while
the Palins are to cordoned off with reality TV divas like the
7/31/2012 10:41 PM ET
Romney's trip abroad succeeded in demonstrationg how unbelievable shameless and partisan our "objective" media can be.
7/28/2012 11:32 AM ET
Chick-fil-A demonstrates a public faith by closing all its stores on
Sundays and on Thanksgiving and Christmas. It’s something the Left
ridicules, but something anyone of any faith respects.
7/24/2012 9:05 PM ET
ABC's George Stephanopoulos and Brian Ross somehow linked a Colorado mass murderer to an innocent Tea Party protester with the same name. This was supposed to be a news studio, not a campaign war ...
7/21/2012 10:35 AM ET
The CW network seems to be
competing for some kind of Nobel Sleaze Prize this summer with a
Miami-based “reality” show called “The Catalina.”
7/18/2012 10:56 AM ET
It’s simply irresponsible, after three and a
half years of President Obama wrecking the economy, with so many unemployed and house-poor, that CBS is still in Puffery Mode.
7/14/2012 9:45 AM ET
Parents are now paying tens of thousands
of dollars to colleges each year for their children to skateboard around boring old
Aristotle and Locke and to study smirking
liberal TV wise-crackers.
7/10/2012 10:56 PM ET
Obama's taking poetic license with history, both personal and political, on the campaign trail. Where are the media outlets to vet his speeches for fact-mangling?
7/7/2012 7:28 AM ET
Seth MacFarlane's profane-teddy-bear movie "Ted" is a box-office smash. His fans cannot consume enough of his pop-culture sewage.
7/3/2012 10:17 PM ET
Obama and his media minions prepared for the ObamaCare verdict with blatant mob pressure: Side with us, or your image is ruined. John Roberts buckled.
6/30/2012 12:53 PM ET
HBO should not be considered the Smart People channel. Let me count the ways this new show from sneering liberal TV writer Aaron Sorkin is ridiculous.
6/26/2012 10:11 PM ET
As the Supreme Court overturned most of Arizona's immigration law, once again, those impartial network producers were the
sob sisters of illegal aliens instead of objective journalists.
6/23/2012 7:10 AM ET
So-called "Gay Pride Month" for the MTV and gay Logo channels to announce a second "It Gets Better" anti-bullying special starring their
favorite gay bully, Dan Savage.
6/19/2012 10:23 PM ET
Obama's economic record is a shambles, so Obama-loving journalists are selling Obama with tough-guy bluster as a guy who kills terrorists with one hand behind his back.
6/16/2012 10:18 AM ET
Obama's most favored donor community really loathes George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. You wonder if on any level Obama is upset, chagrined, or even embarrassed.
6/12/2012 9:34 PM ET
From Obama-praising CEO Les Moonves to GOP-bugging Walter Cronkite, this partisan approach to politics has been part of the CBS DNA – forever.