Lauren Enk

Author Articles
Media Research Center

Film Ignores Liberace’s Statutory Rapist Status

‘Behind the Candelabra’ glosses over child molestation.
Media Research Center

Press Downplays Peaceful Traditional Marriage March, Highlights Sideline Violence

It isn’t often that 0.065 percent of something becomes its defining characteristic. But that’s what happened in Paris on Sunday.
Media Research Center

Anti-Straight Hate? HuffPo Blogger Rants Against Religion, Men, Straight Folks

‘Social justice activist’ wants to chuck traditional institutions.
Media Research Center

Media Claims Pope Gave Atheists Pass into Heaven

Pope Francis made waves on Wednesday when he said that atheists can do good; but some media headlines jumped on the chance to portray the new pontiff as bucking Church teaching. 
Media Research Center

HuffPo Live: Want True Love? Have Casual Sex!

After breakup, promiscuity is path to happiness.
Media Research Center

HuffPo Live: Gender Bending a ‘Benefit’ for Children

Panel decries gender ‘myths.’
Media Research Center

Planned Parenthood Ad: ‘Your Baby Will Thank You’

The grisly details about Kermit Gosnell’s horrific abortion clinic filled headlines during the last week (despite some obvious reluctance from the media).
Media Research Center

Isabella Rossellini: Eating Babies is Good Motherhood

Aging actress’ show highlights gruesome animal activity as efficient parenting