Lauren O'Reilly

Author Articles

CNN: Raising Minimum Wage Leads to Job Growth

Republican strategist Leslie Sanchez sparks controversy with 'Your $$$$$' hosts by suggesting that minimum wage hikes hurt businesses.

CNN: Obama's Tax Plan 'Robbing Peter and Giving to Paul'

'Your $$$$$' moderates debate over Bush tax cuts 'crashing failure' and Obama's redistributionist plan.

CNN: Treasury 'Nationalizing More than Vladimir Putin'

'Your $$$$$' favors government intervention; guest predicts need for up to $4.2 trillion government bailout.

Financial Analyst Warns Inaction Will Lead to 'Mass Starvation'

CNN bailout clash continues between Peter Schiff and Stephen Leeb over choice 'between freedom and socialism.'

'Your $$$$$' Squabble: Experts Argue over 'Socialist' Bailout

Peter Schiff blasts government for intervening in markets and argues against bailout while Stephen Leeb promotes Congressional plan.

CNN's 'Emergency Edition' Optimistic About America's Financial Future

CNN's Romans calls for end to 'overindulgence,' advocates personal responsibility for financial problems on 'In the Money.'