Melissa Afable

Author Articles

Eminem Wants to Change, But Still 'Not Afraid' to Swear

Rapper talks of taking fatherhood seriously while using his usual explicit language.

USA Today Cheers on Wild 'Cougar' Cruise

Newspaper promotes wild behavior between 'cougars' and 'cubs' aboard cruise ship.

Time Praises 'Kinder and Gentler' Christianity

Young Evangelicals 'not like their parents' earn magazine's respect for bucking 'Religious Right'

CNN Blog: Christian Athletes 'Pious,' Attention-Seekers

Contributer John Blake criticizes athletes who praise God during sporting events

Post 'Conservative' Blogger Attacks Palin for 'Immature' Facebook Post

Weigel's 'Right Now' piece latest example of his attacks on conservatives.

Lefty Rev. Attacks Beck for Crying 'Socialism'

Jim Wallis, who believes the Gospels are redistributionist, calls out Glenn Beck for questioning Obama's faith-based initiative act to merge EPA with churches.