MRC Culture Staff

Intern, MRC Culture
Author Articles
Media Research Center

Ammosexual: (n.) Liberal Slur for 2nd Amendment Enthusiasts

Alternet rags on celebrities with any conservative streak.
Media Research Center

Daily Beast Celebrates ‘Triumph’ of Soccer’s ‘Samoan Caitlyn’

Being uncomfortable with transgenderism is ‘sexual bigotry.’
Media Research Center

WaPo: A Woman won the 1976 Men’s Decathlon

Post article advocates for full memory scrub for Jenner.
Media Research Center

‘Grace and Frankie’ Casts Sheen, Waterston as Homo-Septuagenarians

Netflix ‘comedy’ about divorce, infidelity and homosexuality.
Media Research Center

Where's the Violence? TIME Publishes ‘Elephant Dung Madonna’ Photo

No Muslims were insulted in the making of this TIME article.
Media Research Center

NBC ‘Sports’ Helps Bully Clemson Coach Out of Family Group Appearance

What’s helping broken families compared to running afoul of the LGBT agenda?
Media Research Center

‘How Many Times’ will Lewd Rap Songs be Popular?

Billboard's new filth-filled hit.
Media Research Center

Broadway Playwright: God is ‘Jealous, Vindictive, Self-Defeating’

Smug lefty writer enthralls smug HuffPo Live lefties with smug lefty take on religion.
Media Research Center

Two Gender Bending Reality Shows to Air this Summer

Shows say more about atrocious parenting than gender identity.
Media Research Center

Modern Family’s ‘Cam Tucker’ Claims to have the Pope’s Vote

Vatican comments twisted again to favor gay agenda.
Media Research Center

Anti-Christian Bigot and Bully Dan Savage Talks up Being ‘Kind, considerate.’

In Newsweek, $1 magazine gets Savage’s 2 cents on ‘future of sex.’