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Author Articles
6/5/2015 1:01 PM ET
Alternet rags on celebrities with any conservative streak.
6/4/2015 11:24 AM ET
Being uncomfortable with transgenderism is ‘sexual bigotry.’
6/3/2015 1:25 PM ET
Post article advocates for full memory scrub for Jenner.
6/2/2015 9:59 AM ET
Netflix ‘comedy’ about divorce, infidelity and homosexuality.
5/29/2015 2:12 PM ET
No Muslims were insulted in the making of this TIME article.
5/28/2015 2:40 PM ET
What’s helping broken families compared to running afoul of
the LGBT agenda?
5/27/2015 1:30 PM ET
Billboard's new filth-filled hit.
5/27/2015 11:51 AM ET
Smug lefty writer enthralls smug HuffPo Live lefties with
smug lefty take on religion.
5/22/2015 10:03 AM ET
Shows say more about atrocious parenting than gender identity.
5/21/2015 9:56 AM ET
Vatican comments twisted again to favor gay agenda.
5/19/2015 2:31 PM ET
In Newsweek, $1 magazine gets Savage’s 2 cents on ‘future of