Noel Sheppard

Author Articles

Cantwell Aide's Sex Scandal Gets Little Press Coverage

Media bury news of a Democratic congressional staffer snared in a police pedophile sting.

Media Scrooges: 'Bah, Humbug' To Wall Street's Christmas Bonuses

Contrary to their present Grinchiness, the press were much merrier about this annual ritual in 1999.

TV News Ignores Surprisingly Strong Housing Data

Bubble bursting mantra continues to dominate reports despite evidence to the contrary.

Networks Downplay Strong Pre-election Jobs Report

Networks gave negative news full attention in previous election cycles.

Hurricane-Happy Media Not Interested When Forecast Downgraded

Press mostly ignore new prediction of no more major hurricanes in 2006.

Networks Yawn as Natural Gas Plummets

Two-year low in prices and declining heating bills slip by quietly.

Where Poverty's Rise Ends, Slanted Coverage Continues

Media ignore or downplay income increases and halt in poverty's rise, insisting worker pay is dropping.

Media Deficient on Budget Deficit Reporting

Surprisingly strong tax revenues in 2006 aren't cheered by TV newsrooms.

Networks Think Inflation is Important Only When It's Rising

Signs that consumer prices are under control get ignored or downplayed.

Networks Think Inflation is Important Only When Its Rising

Signs that consumer prices are under control get ignored or downplayed.

Media Attack Executive Pay, Hide Effort to Seal Their Own Compensation Records

Networks focus on staggering pay and pensions for Exxon and other corporate CEOs, even as media companies fight SEC rule on disclosing high salaries.

Shocking News: The Economy Is Producing Good Jobs

Christian Science Monitor reveals what most economists have known for years.

TV News Bearish on the Economy

Best job market since 2001 goes unnoticed as major media still not convinced that 4 -year economic expansion is for real.

Ironic Media Position Follows Bushs Declaration of Oil Addiction

Press reaction that Mideast imports are no big deal is inconsistent with earlier assertions that oil is the reason for Iraq war.

Strong February Employment Still Downplayed by Some Media

Several outlets frown on 243,000 new jobs, but others show improvement in coverage of monthly jobs report.

Medias GDP Reports Grossly Unproductive

Quarterly economic numbers typically get ignored, downplayed and hyped.

CNN Spends 2005 Telling People Theyre Going Backwards

Despite monthly wage increases, network says inflation is destroying the middle class.