Rich Noyes is the MRC’s Research Director and one of the nation’s foremost experts on the news media and politics. Noyes has discussed the media’s liberal bias on the Fox News Channel, CNN, MSNBC and dozens of radio talk shows, and has authored articles which have appeared in the Journal of Political Science, New York Post, Investor’s Business Daily, Roll Call and Human Events. (More)
Author Articles
3/7/2005 1:00 AM ET
For Decades, the Liberal CBS Anchorman Twisted the News to Help Liberals and Hurt Conservatives
1/31/2005 1:00 AM ET
Strong Turnout by Iraqi Voters and Relative Calm Contradict Many Journalists' Pessimistic Predictions
12/8/2004 1:00 AM ET
John Roberts, the Front-Runner to Take Rather's Chair, Twists News Stories to Favor a Liberal Agenda
11/30/2004 1:00 AM ET
NBC News Anchor Brian Williams Lionizes Liberals, Castigates Conservatives and Blames America First
11/10/2004 1:00 AM ET
FMP Study: Networks Tout Alleged Harm of Global Warming But Hide Massive Costs of Kyoto Treaty
10/21/2004 12:00 AM ET
Paper Smears Its Front Page With Bad News for Bush, Editor Worries Press Is Too Nice to the President
10/20/2004 12:00 AM ET
Economic Numbers in 1996 and 2004 Very Similar, But the Media Spin Depends on Who's President
10/14/2004 12:00 AM ET
Reporters Frown on Bush's Mention of Kerry's Liberalism, Calling It a "Tinny" Charge, a "Tired Horse"
10/12/2004 12:00 AM ET
Rathergate or No Rathergate, CBS's Face the Nation Host Has Given Brickbats for Bush, Kudos for Kerry
10/7/2004 12:00 AM ET
Friday's Debate Moderator Loved July's Democratic Convention but Scolded "Icy" Tone of VP Debate
10/6/2004 12:00 AM ET
Only CBS News Claims Edwards Won the Debate; CBS Reporter Says Cheney's Words "Did Not Take"
10/4/2004 12:00 AM ET
Running-Mate Debate Host Has Likened Conservatives to Terrorists, Truck Bombers, and Assassins
10/1/2004 12:00 AM ET
Networks Crown Kerry Winner of First Presidential Debate, Deride Bush as "Angry" and "Self-Pitying"
9/9/2004 12:00 AM ET
ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC Ignored or Disparaged Swift Vets Against Kerry but Hype Anti-Bush Charges
9/3/2004 12:00 AM ET
Republican Convention, Day 4: "Compassionate Conservatism" Mantra Rings Hollow to CBS Reporter
9/2/2004 12:00 AM ET
Republican Convention, Day 3: ABC's Stephanopoulos Hears Echoes of 1992 Houston Convention
9/1/2004 12:00 AM ET
Republican Convention, Day 2: MSNBC Reporter Suggests "Compassion" = Supporting Gay Marriage
8/31/2004 12:00 AM ET
Republican Convention, Day 1: CNN's Aaron Brown Scolds GOP Speakers' Focus on National Security
8/18/2004 12:00 AM ET
ABC, CBS & NBC Gave 75 Stories to Bush "AWOL" Charge, 9 to Claims Kerry Embellished War Record