Keep in mind that the law Congress enacted in 1993 bars homosexuals in the military, period. And the Clinton-era policy watering down that law, Don't Ask, Don't Tell, still bars open ...
The most challenged book on the American Library Association's Banned Books Week list, a pro-same sex marriage picture book targeting 4- to 8-year-olds called And Tango Makes Three, wasn't ...
No matter how pornographic his lyrics, no matter how many kids he helps to corrupt, no matter how callously he maligns fellow citizens as niggas and hoes and no matter how coarsely he portrays ...
Ft. Lauderdale is among the nation's leaders in new AIDS cases, but the media are willfully blind to the consequences of men irresponsibly having sex with strangers in public bathrooms. Mayor Jim ...
political and cultural Left have a deep interest in promoting pornography.
Millions of men who might have championed the moral high ground in the public
square feel that they dont have the ...
Sexual immorality is now the moral high ground in Philadelphia, and the Boy Scouts are the bad guys. Does anyone with clout in Philadelphia see why this is monstrously wrong?
Presidential candidate John Edwards is urging people to crash Memorial Day ceremonies with anti-war protests....We're still waiting for the media outrage over this hijacking of a sacred day to ...
Liberals, who once championed freedom of speech, have become the foremost critics of uncurbed opinion, and are working to deny free speech to people with whom they disagree.
I guess that openly enjoying the death of a fellow Christian and utterly distorting his Christian message into a caricature of hate is the mark of the nonjudgmental. I think it's somewhere in the ...