Scott Whitlock

Senior News Analyst

Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center and a contributing editor for You can read his NewsBusters blogs here. Scott's blogs have been featured on the Drudge Report and in the Washington Times (see example here). He's also appeared on radio programs such as the Lars Larson Show to discuss MRC blogs and studies.

Scott lives in Northern Virginia and can be contacted at You can also follow Scott on Twitter.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

New Michigan Law Is a 'Major Blow to Union Rights'; NBC, CBS Totally Ignore

In what ABC News deemed a "major blow to union rights," Michigan became the 24th right-to-work state on Thursday. Yet, NBC and CBS totally ignored this development. ABC allowed a scant 14 second ...
Media Research Center

ABC Journalists, Who Mocked the Loss of 18,000 Hostess Jobs, Now Worry About Unemployed

ABC News, which previously mocked the loss of 18,000 jobs at Hostess, now has concern for the unemployed, worrying about those who will lose benefits if a deal on the fiscal cliff cannot be found. ...
Media Research Center

Only ABC Highlights Obama's Flip-Flop on a Budget Solution That Doesn't 'Hike' Tax Rates

One year ago, Barack Obama backed a budget solution that would not "hike" tax rates. Now, the President rejects this plan, an apparent flip-flop only ABC's Jake Tapper reported. House Speaker John ...
Media Research Center

Howard Fineman Apologizes for 'Ayatollah' 'Smear' Against Norquist

Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman apologized on Monday for his "inadvertent smear" against Grover Norquist. First reported on NewsBusters, Fineman appeared on the December 3 Hardball and ...
Media Research Center

Howard Fineman Smears Grover Norquist as 'Ayatollah'-Like

Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman on Monday smeared Grover Norquist as "ayatollah"-like for his opposition to higher taxes. Talking to Hardball's Chris Matthews, Fineman fumed, "...A long time ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes 'Upper Hand' Dems Have on Fiscal Cliff, Risk of Recession

ABC News continued to hype the Democratic position on the fiscal cliff, Sunday. World News Reporter David Kerley touted the White House as "confident with the stronger hand in talks with House ...
Media Research Center

Serious ABC Hypes 'Real' Bigfoot for Two Minutes, Offers a Scant 23 Seconds to Susan Rice

Good Morning America on Thursday allowed a mere 23 seconds to the latest on Susan Rice's possible Secretary of State nomination and her troubled role in providing false information on the ...
Media Research Center

ABC Continues to Spin for Susan Rice: She Ran Into a GOP 'Buzz Saw' on Tuesday

Good Morning America's reporters on Wednesday continued to fret about the fate of Susan Rice, lamenting the GOP "buzz saw" the UN Ambassador ran into on Tuesday. ABC's Martha Raddatz hyped all the ...
Media Research Center

ABC Continues to Hype GOP Compromise on Taxes, Abandonment of 'Anti-Tax Enforcer'

For the second time in less than 24 hours, ABC's Jon Karl on Tuesday hyped a "newfound willingness" by Republicans to compromise on raising taxes and a possible abandonment of "anti-tax enforcer" ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Outrageously Links Unhappy Conservatives to Hitler

Chris Matthews on Monday disgustingly connected conservatives unhappy with the 2012 election to Hitler and the 1936 Olympics. After Huffington Post journalist Howard Fineman mocked the GOP for ...
Media Research Center

GOP Senator Knocks George Stephanopoulos' Spin for Obama on Libya

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham on Sunday fought back against attempts by George Stephanopoulos to cover for the Obama administration's handling of the terrorist attack in Libya. ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Richard Wolffe Smears McCain as a Bigot: 'There's No Other Way to Look at It'

Newsweek journalist and current MSNBC editor Richard Wolffe on Monday smeared Senator John McCain as a racist. According to Wolffe, there's no legitimate reason for the Republican to oppose Susan ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Hypes 'Brave,' 'Provocative Thinkers Like Lena Dunham and Michael Bloomberg

According to the Atlantic Monthly and the receptive audience at MSNBC, the year's "brave" and "provocative" thinkers include Lena Dunham, who made an ad comparing voting to sex, and New York Mayor ...
Media Research Center

Twinkie Party: The Loss of 18,000 Hostess Jobs Is a Big Joke to ABC News

The cast of Good Morning America on Friday treated the bankruptcy of Hostess and the loss of 18,500 jobs as a hilarious joke. Josh Elliott, George Stephanopoulos and others guffawed as they handed ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Terry Moran Raves Over President's Press Conference: 'An Obama Smackdown'

Nightline co-anchor Terry Moran on Wednesday couldn't be bothered with spending much time on the scandal in Libya that left four Americans dead. Instead, he thrilled over the President's ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes Obama 'Coming Out Swinging' Over Libya, Ignores Tough Fox Question on Responsibility

The journalists at ABC News on Wednesday and Thursday hyped the President for "coming out swinging" and showing "presidential anger" by defending his United Nations Ambassador, Susan Rice, over ...
Media Research Center

Fawning Fan Girl Journalist to Obama: 'Congratulations'; 'I've Never Seen You Lose'

Barack Obama on Wednesday submitted to his first press conference since March. Some of the White House journalists didn't seem to hold the long wait against him, however. One reporter, Christi ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Jon Karl Lectures Paul Ryan on Obama's 'Mandate' and Raising Taxes

ABC journalist Jonathan Karl on Wednesday lectured Paul Ryan about Barack Obama's reelection "mandate" and grilled the Republican about raising taxes. On Good Morning America, he declared, "If ...
Media Research Center

Fear-Mongering ABC Hypes Latest Global Warming Disaster: The End of Coffee

The alarmist journalists at Good Morning America on Sunday hyped a new report that fretted over whether global warming will spell the end of coffee. Reporter John Muller warned, "...The coffee ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Chris Jansing: 'Parallels' Between Lincoln and Reelected Obama Are 'Fascinating'

MSNBC host Chris Jansing on Monday found the "parallels" between Abraham Lincoln and the newly reelected Barack Obama to be "fascinating." The anchor interviewed Gloria Reuben, liberal actress and ...