Scott Whitlock

Senior News Analyst

Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center and a contributing editor for You can read his NewsBusters blogs here. Scott's blogs have been featured on the Drudge Report and in the Washington Times (see example here). He's also appeared on radio programs such as the Lars Larson Show to discuss MRC blogs and studies.

Scott lives in Northern Virginia and can be contacted at You can also follow Scott on Twitter.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

Guilt By Association: Chris Matthews Links Ted Cruz in Story on 'Sandy Hook Truthers'

Chris Matthews on Monday offensively connected Senator Ted Cruz with the actions of disturbed conspiracy theorists who believe the Sandy Hook massacre was a government plot. Talking to Connecticut ...
Media Research Center

ABC Lets Obama Off Easy for Ending White House Tours, Ignores Contradiction by Press Secretary

Good Morning America's Reena Ninan on Saturday let Barack Obama off easy. The ABC reporter allowed the President to escape blame for the sad story of a group of Iowa sixth graders who had their ...
Media Research Center

Ed Schultz, Who Frothed Over 'Bastard, 'Slut,' 'Dirthole' Conservatives, Allegedly 'Pushed Out' at MSNBC

MSNBC "pushed out" Ed Schultz in order to "make way for new talent," according to Politico on Thursday. This would contradict Schultz, who insisted the decision was voluntary and a great step ...
Media Research Center

White House Press Secretary Contradicts Obama's Claims About Cancellation of Tours, ABC Ignores

In an "exclusive" interview with ABC, Barack Obama on Tuesday dodged responsibility for the ending of White House tours, stating, "I have to say this was not a decision that went up to ...
Media Research Center

ABC: New Pope Can Help Catholics 'Revive' Mission to Help the Poor

During live coverage, Wednesday, of the announcement that Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio had been chosen the new pope, two of ABC's journalists insisted that the Argentinian would help "revive" the ...
Media Research Center

Stephanopoulos Touts 'No Holds Barred' Interview With Obama, But Skips White House Hype on Sequester

Despite billing his interview with Barack Obama as "no holds barred," Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday skipped several tough questions and only gently quizzed the ...
Media Research Center

ABC Falls in Line, Touts Obama 'Charm Offensive' Effort With Congress

On Sunday's Reliable Sources, the CNN panelists laughed at how "easily the press corps is manipulated" by White House spin over "reaching out" to congressional Republicans. On Tuesday's Good ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hyped Sequester 'Vaporizing' U.S. Jobs, But Now Admits President's Plan Isn't Working

For weeks, ABC hyped sequestration spending cuts as a threat that could "vaporize" America and "cripple" travel in the country. On Sunday's Good Morning America, however, George Stephanopoulos ...
Media Research Center

ABC Skips Liberal Watchdog Slamming 'Corrupting Influence' of Obama's Pay for Access Scheme

ABC's Good Morning America on Friday ignored new details of Barack Obama's pay-for-access scheme, the only morning show to skip the story. The President's campaign group, now renamed Organizing ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Worries That a 'Right-Wing Politician' 'Like Dick Cheney' Could Use Drones on His Enemies

MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Thursday worried that a future "right-wing" politician "like Dick Cheney" might one day use drone strikes against his political enemies. The Hardball host was discussing ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Jon Karl Skeptically Questions Obama's Ending of White House Tours

World News's Jonathan Karl on Wednesday turned a uniquely skeptical eye on Barack Obama's decision to end White House tours in the wake of sequester. Highlighting the President's claim that the ...
Media Research Center

ABC Skimps on Filibuster Coverage, Offers Confusing Explanation of Rand Paul's Stand

ABC's World News on Wednesday and Good Morning America on Thursday offered confusing, incomplete and brief explanations for why Rand Paul filibustered John Brennan, Barack Obama's Central ...
Media Research Center

ABC and NBC Tout ‘Larger Than Life’ Chavez Who ‘Never Backed Down from a Challenge’ on Wednesday greeted the death of Hugo Chavez by avoiding the word “socialist.” Instead, GMA's Brandi Hitt touted the repressive leader as someone who “appeared to never back ...
Media Research Center

Wash Post's Eugene Robinson Appears on MSNBC to Praise 'Quick,' 'Popular,' Funny Hugo Chavez

Within minutes of the death of death of repressive socialist Hugo Chavez on Tuesday, MSNBC featured liberal Washington Post editor Eugene Robinson to fawn over the "quick," "popular" leader. ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Bianna Golodryga: Isn't It 'Kind of Sad' That Investors Are Shrugging Off Sequester?

After hyping a "fiscal emergency" that could "vaporize" America, the journalists at Good Morning America seemed slightly puzzled that daily life has continued. GMA anchor George Stephanopoulos on ...
Media Research Center

After Hyping a 'Fiscal Emergency' That Could 'Cripple' and 'Vaporize' America, GMA Silent on Sequestration

For weeks, ABC has been hyping sequestration as a "fiscal emergency" that could "cripple" much of America and "vaporize" jobs. Yet, Monday's Good Morning America featured no stories on what the ...
Media Research Center

ABC: Sequester 'Armageddon' Will Lead to 'Jobs Vaporizing' and 'Criminals Walking Free'

The hosts and reporters on Friday's Good Morning America hyped the "massive" sequester cuts as leading to near panic. Josh Elliott opened the show by hyperventilating, "Jobs vaporizing, flights ...
Media Research Center

Wash Post Mocks Politico's Fawning Interview With Bob Woodward as 'Fan Fiction'

The implied threat from the White House to Bob Woodward has thrown the liberal media for a loop. On Wednesday night, Politico published a fawning interview with Woodward. Writers Mike Allen and ...
Media Research Center

NBC Allows 16 Seconds to White House Battle With Bob Woodward, Avoids Using the Word 'Threat'

The Today show on Thursday allowed a scant 16 seconds, out of a possible four hours, to the claim by veteran journalist Bob Woodward that the Obama White House is trying to intimidate him and ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews: Support Gun Control or an American President Could Be Murdered

In a closing commentary on Wednesday, Hardball's Chris Matthews ranted that opposing gun control could lead to the assassination of a future American president or politician. Matthews fumed that ...