Scott Whitlock

Senior News Analyst

Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center and a contributing editor for You can read his NewsBusters blogs here. Scott's blogs have been featured on the Drudge Report and in the Washington Times (see example here). He's also appeared on radio programs such as the Lars Larson Show to discuss MRC blogs and studies.

Scott lives in Northern Virginia and can be contacted at You can also follow Scott on Twitter.

Author Articles

Unhinged Chris Matthews Assails Conservative 'Birth Control Nazis'

Talking to two fellow liberals on Monday, an unhinged Chris Matthews trashed conservatives and Republicans who opposes Barack Obama's birth control policies as "birth control Nazis." Matthews ...
Media Research Center

Dan Rather Promotes Fringe Theory: GOP May Steal Election

Disgraced ex-CBS anchor Dan Rather delved into conspiracy theories on Monday, speculating that the Ohio Republican Party could steal the election for Mitt Romney. In a Facebook posting for Dan ...
Media Research Center

ABC Cheers 'Laudable' Candy Crowley for Propping Up Obama in Debate

ABC analyst Matthew Dowd on Sunday cheered the "laudable" Candy Crowley for propping up Barack Obama with wrong information about Libya during last week's debate. Referring to a contentious ...
Media Research Center

Wash Post Puffs 'Man of Faith' Tim Kaine, Harps Over George 'Macaca' Allen

The editors of the Washington Post have, yet again, shown their extreme dislike for George Allen. Less than three weeks before Virginia's crucial Senate election, the liberal paper offered ...
Media Research Center

In Wake of Newsweek's Demise, Time Editor Swears: We Won't Be Next!

In the wake of the announcement on Thursday that Newsweek will cease print publication at the end of the year, Time's managing editor appeared on Morning Joe to swear that his magazine won't be ...
Media Research Center

Desperate ABC Hypes Romney's 'Binder Blunder'; Will It 'Halt' GOP Gains?

The reporters and anchors of Good Morning America on Thursday desperately hyped Mitt Romney's assertion that, while governor of Massachusetts, he had "binders full of women" applicants. David ...
Media Research Center

Matthews Hints at Romney's 'Bad' Motives for Confronting Obama: Mitt 'Looks Down' on the President

Liberal MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews on Wednesday's Hardball hinted that Mitt Romney's confrontational attitude during the debates might have a sinister undertone. After playing a clip of the ...
Media Research Center

George Stephanopoulos Fawns Over Joe Biden, Then Hits Paul Ryan With VP's Talking Points

George Stephanopoulos offered a classic case of liberal bias on Wednesday, fawning over Joe Biden and, just minutes later, grilling Paul Ryan with the Vice President's talking points. The Good ...
Media Research Center

Millionaire TV Star Tom Brokaw Longs for a Simpler Life: No More 'McMansions'

Tom Brokaw had his Jimmy Carter moment on Tuesday. The veteran journalist appeared on MSNBC's The Cycle to call for Americans to accept a permanent lowering of their standard of living. ...
Media Research Center

Networks Tout Hillary 'Falling on Her Sword' and 'Taking Blame' for Libya, Avoid Specifics

All three morning shows on Tuesday highlighted Hillary Clinton "falling on her sword" and "taking blame" for the growing scandal over Libya. But NBC and ABC avoided specifics. On Good Morning ...
Media Research Center

Jake Tapper: Romney Camp Worries That 'In The Tank' Media Want 'The Obama Comeback'

Good Morning America's Jake Tapper on Sunday actually raised the issue of media bias, highlighting that Mitt Romney operatives "generally think that the media is in the tank for President Obama." ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Karl Hypes Biden for Not Letting Paul Ryan Get Away With 'Infamous' 47 Percent Remark

Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Friday touted Joe Biden's performance at the vice presidential debate, hyping that the Vice President brought up Mitt Romney's "infamous" comments about the ...
Media Research Center

Cynthia McFadden Enthuses Over Michelle Obama's Skill at 'Cutting' and Not 'Drawing Blood'

In the fourth and final part of ABC's 20 minute-long interview with Michelle Obama, Nightline co-anchor Cynthia McFadden on Wednesday praised the First Lady's skill at "the art of the cut that ...
Media Research Center

Martin Bashir Whines: Why Aren't Reporters 'Prepared to Buy' White House Spin on Libya?

Liberal anchor Martin Bashir on Wednesday whined about reporters who actually commit journalism and dare to question the shifting White House story on the death of a U.S. ambassador in Libya. ...
Media Research Center

USA Today Hypes Insurance Company's Claims: Global Warming 'Targeting' America

A front page story in USA Today on Wednesday hyperbolically pushed recent storms as proof of global warming, warning, "Weather disasters target N. America." (Weather disasters are targeting ...
Media Research Center

Softballs: ABC's Cynthia McFadden Again Skips Tough Questions for Michelle Obama

Tuesday's Nightline featured the second part of an exhaustive, three part interview with Michelle Obama. Once again, co-anchor Cynthia McFadden failed to ask any tough questions to the First ...
Media Research Center

ABC's McFadden Gushes to Michelle Obama: Do You Face 'Extra Pressures and Responsibilities?'

Nightline co-anchor Cynthia McFadden continued her fawning, multi-part profile of Michelle Obama on Monday night, worrying about the "extra responsibilities" that Mrs. Obama faces as an ...
Media Research Center

A Puzzled George Stephanopoulos Wonders: 'Where Was the President?' Where Was the Fight?'

A puzzled George Stephanopoulos on Thursday wondered what happened to Barack Obama during the previous night's presidential debate. Talking to fellow Democrat Donna Brazile on Good Morning ...
Media Research Center

Politico Editor: Obama Was Too Busy Being President, Didn't Have Time to Practice for Debate

Politico editor Jim VandeHei appeared on MSNBC, Thursday, to blame Barack Obama's poor debate performance on the burdens of the office. The journalist spun, "The President had to be the ...
Media Research Center

Jon Stewart Mocks Obama's 'Very Difficult Night,' Wonders If the President Isn't That Smart

The liberal freak out over Barack Obama's poor debate performance continued on Thursday morning. Left-wing comic Jon Stewart appeared on Good Morning America to lament the President's "very ...