Scott Whitlock

Senior News Analyst

Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center and a contributing editor for You can read his NewsBusters blogs here. Scott's blogs have been featured on the Drudge Report and in the Washington Times (see example here). He's also appeared on radio programs such as the Lars Larson Show to discuss MRC blogs and studies.

Scott lives in Northern Virginia and can be contacted at You can also follow Scott on Twitter.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

Unlike NBC, ABC's Jake Tapper Highlights Reverend Wright in New Video

Unlike the journalists at NBC, who dismissed as old news a just released 2007 video of Barack Obama discussing race, ABC's Jake Tapper highlighted the tape of the then-senator praising the ...
Media Research Center

Stephanopoulos Hyped 'Shock Waves' for Romney's Secret Tape, No Hyperbole for Obama Race Video

In September, Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos hyped Mitt Romney's "47 percent" tape as sending "shock waves" through the presidential race. ABC analyst Matt Dowd called it a "six ...
Media Research Center

Not a Parody: Politico Hypes Joe Biden as a 'Sex Symbol'

Politico edged ever closer towards total parody on Tuesday with a headline that seriously wondered, "Joe Biden: Sex symbol?" Senior Washington correspondent Jonathan Allen gushed, "Joe Biden’s ...
Media Research Center

NBC Skips 'Dangerously Slow' Economic Growth, Puffs Obama's New Talking Points

Economic growth grew at an incredibly sluggish 1.3 percent in the second quarter, revised down from 1.7 percent. According to business writer Jim Pethokoukis, this is "dangerously slow." ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Muir Hypes Race as Over: It's 'Slipping Away' and Debate is 'Do-or-Die' for Romney

ABC's David Muir on Thursday hyped the presidential election as "slipping away" from Mitt Romney and pushed the idea that next week's presidential debate is "do-or-die" for the Republican. ...
Media Research Center

Endless Kennedy Love: ABC Yet Again Fawns Over JFK

ABC News found scant time for the just-passed political conventions, coming in dead last according to a Media Research Center study. But the network on Tuesday did manage to, yet again, ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Muir Hypes Romney's 'Sudden Shift,' Misleadingly Says Obama Not Increasing Taxes

Good Morning America on Wednesday touted "stunning" new polls out of Ohio that show Mitt Romney trailing. ABC reporter David Muir pushed a minor comment by the Republican as a "sudden shift." ...
Media Research Center

George Stephanopoulos and Barbara Walters Fawn Over the 'Fun' Obamas

George Stephanopoulos and Barbara Walters on Tuesday fawned over the "fun," loving marriage of Barack and Michelle Obama. Walters appeared on Good Morning America to promote the President's ...
Media Research Center

CBS Concedes: Romney Better Push Libya Because the Press Won't 'Make the Case for Him'

CBS News political director John Dickerson on Sunday conceded the obvious, advising Mitt Romney to make Libya an issue in the campaign because the media "isn't necessarily going to make that ...
Media Research Center

Networks Devote a Scant Seven Minutes to 'Blistering' Fast and Furious Report

The three networks devoted less than seven minutes to a "blistering" new report from the Justice Department on the Fast and Furious scandal. In comparison, the same programs deluged the public ...
Media Research Center

Networks That Hyped Romney's 'Bombshell' Tax Tape Now Skip ObamaCare 'Penalties'

The same networks that have been hyping secret video of Mitt Romney talking about who pays taxes, hyperventilating about the Republican's "seismic" bombshell," have, thus far, completely ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Diane Sawyer Hypes 'Secret' Mitt Romney Tapes: A 'Seismic' 'Political Earthquake'

On Tuesday night, the journalists at ABC continued to hype a "secret video" of Mitt Romney in the most hyperbolic terms. World News anchor Diane Sawyer went so far as to call it a "political ...
Media Research Center

Multi-Millionaire Chris Matthews Mocks Mitt Romney By Singing 'If I Were a Rich Man'

In a bizarre display, Chris Matthews began his show on Tuesday by singing "If I Were a Rich Man" as a way of mocking Mitt Romney for being wealthy. Chris Matthews makes an annual salary of $5 ...
Media Research Center

Hyperbolic ABC: 'Bombshell Rocking' Mitt Romney's Campaign Is Sending Out 'Shock Waves

The hosts and reporters of ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday launched a hyperbolic attack on Mitt Romney's "secret tapes," trumpeting the "bombshell" that is sending "shock waves" through ...
Media Research Center

Still Obsessed: ABC Scolds Eastwood's 'Controversial' 'Chair Stunt'

Clint Eastwood appeared on Monday's Good Morning America to promote his new movie, but still had to deal with media fallout from his "controversial" "chair stunt" at the Republican National ...
Media Research Center

George Stephanopoulos Taunts Romney: 'You're Falling Behind'; 'Why Aren't You Doing Better?'

Former Democratic operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos on Friday landed an exclusive interview with Mitt Romney and proceeded to taunt the Republican presidential candidate: "But ...
Media Research Center

CBS, NBC Morning Shows Push Libya Blame Onto Romney, Hype Obama Attacks

The NBC and CBS morning shows on Thursday both pushed the theme that Mitt Romney made a gaffe with his handling of Libya. At the same time, they shielded Barack Obama. Good Morning America's ...
Media Research Center

Christiane Amanpour: 'Extremists' in America 'Whip Up Hatred' in Libya

ABC journalist Christiane Amanpour on Wednesday compared the rioting and murder that followed Middle Eastern anger over an anti-Islamic movie to yelling "fire in a crowded theater." Regarding ...
Media Research Center

Journalists Freak Out as Romney Condemns Obama's Handling of Libya

Angry journalists repeatedly lashed out at a defiant Mitt Romney, Wednesday, pushing the Republican at a press conference to renounce his criticism of Barack Obama's handling of the crisis ...
Media Research Center

Not Liberal Enough: Stephanopoulos Whines That New Woodward Book Will Be 'Used' By GOP

Good Morning America co-anchor George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday attacked Bob Woodward and his new expose from the left, worrying that "Speaker Boehner [is] using your book as a sign that voters ...