Tim Graham

Director of Media Analysis
Author Articles

The "Antiquated, Authoritarian" Pope Party

Will John Paul's Historic 25th Anniversary Today Become Another Moment for Demanding Liberalism?

Cruising Past Cruz's Racial Controversies

Bustamante May Be Leading, But Networks Stay Focused on Arnold's Raunchy Magazine Comments

Marking Tom Brokaw's Twenty Years of Tilt

NBC Anchor Boasted "We've Worked Hard to Drain the Bias" but Viewers Still Swimming in Liberalism

20 Years of Bias From ABC's Peter Jennings

Can't See Bias: "ABC, CBS, NBC Are Mainstream Media...Largely in the Center...Without Ideologies"

Is TV News Mocking the California Recall "Circus" or Making It?


News Magazines Plug "Centrist" Howard Dean

Time, Newsweek, U.S. News Raised Prospect of Liberal Trouble, But Maneuvered Dean to the Middle

National Media Hostile to California Recall

After California's Secretary of State certified a recall election against liberal Gov. Gray Davis, the media are blasting it as "madness" and a "civic crackup" caused by "right-wing" ...

Howard Dean: Not a Fierce Liberal Force?

Media Brand Vermont Governor "Populist," "Anti-War," and a Magnet for "Middle-Class Resentment"

How Disgraceful Democrats Lose the "D"

TV Networks Often Develop Amnesia When Democratic Politicians Bring Embarrassment to the Party

New Senior Subsidies Won't Make Deficits?

Media Worried Over "Big" Bush Tax Cuts, But Complain Endless Medicare Entitlement is "Not Enough"

Bill Clinton Lapdog Is Now ABC's Top Dog

Rick Kaplan, Impresario of Food Lion and Tailwind Disasters, Takes the Reins of ABC Political Coverage

Acolytes of the "Candid" Gospel of Hillary

Fox Is Lonely Exception to Networks Recycling Hillary's Tales of Woe With No Trace of Fact-Checking

Can Moyers Be an Anchor and a Funder?

PBS Star Gives Publicity to Liberal Groups, But Won't Tell Viewers He's Underwriting Their Activism

Among the Tax Cut Losers: Biased Journalists

Networks Recycle Liberal Group's PR Spin, Pound Bush for Not Giving Tax Cuts to Non-Taxpayers

Where's the Media on Saddam's Payoffs?

ABC, CBS, NBC Featured A Bribed British Leftist Lawmaker, But Now There's Nothing But Silence

Peter's Sympathy for Hollywood Hypocrites

ABC Covers Anti-War Actors By Playing Up Their "Punishment," Not Their Errors or Radicalism

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong on the "Arab Street"

Baghdad-Based Reporters Issued Piles of Unreliable, Inaccurate "Reporting" On Iraqi Public Opinion

Arnett's Propaganda Meets an End at NBC

NBC Fires Its Baghdad Correspondent Based on Iraqi TV Appearance, But His Work Was Also Shoddy
Media Research Center

Peter's Peace Platoon

ABC's Crusade Against "Arrogant" American Power