Enough Gushing over Moore to Make You 'Sicko'
There will be no July 4th
issue, but The Balance Sheet will resume on July 11.
Have a safe and happy holiday.
Gushing over Moore to Make You 'Sicko'
How much do the media
love socialized medicine? Enough to suggest Michael Moore
should run for office. Coverage of his new film, which opens
June 29, downplays his distortions and aggressively promotes
a shift toward government health care.
Drug Company Profits Are Good for Your Health
Michaels Moores new shock-umentary attacks insurance and
pharmaceutical companies for obscene profits, but anti-industry
reporting is nothing new. BMI adviser Dr. Elizabeth M. Whelan explains
why profits are necessary to make wonder drugs available to the public.
CNBC Finds A Positive Perspective on Housing
B: CNN Says Bottled Water Ban Not
U: Fortune Magazine Gives Hillary
Clinton the Nod for President
Fortune Portrays Hillary Clinton as Corporate Sweetheart
Review: SiCKO Doesnt Offer Cure-All for Health Care
Today Demonizes Student Loan Companies for Alleged Schemes
Economic Reds: A Diagnosis
American Enterprise Institute
Food Cops Cheer Over Rising Food Costs
The Center for Consumer Freedom
Junk Science: Climate Activists Credibility Gap
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Medical Malpractice Insurance Studies
June 29, 2007
American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C.
Leftism and Populism in Todays Latin America: Is Chavismo Contagious?
July 9, 2007
Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C.
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