Media Try to Cool Down Oil Drilling Fever
Published: 6/25/2008 1:00 PM ET
Media Try to Cool Down Oil Drilling Fever
Did you know a majority of Americans favor more domestic oil drilling? The mainstream media havent told you. Theyre too busy dismissing arguments for expanding the oil supply.
From the Front Lines Web-A-Thon to Send Care Packages to Our Troops Abroad
There are more than 180,000 U.S. troops serving bravely in Iraq and Afghanistan, and each of them is owed a great deal of gratitude for their service and sacrifice. In a first of its kind Web-A-Thon to raise funds to send the largest shipment of care packages in history to our troops abroad, From the Front Lines will be broadcast via streaming video at on June 26 from 4 p.m. midnight ET. The Media Research Center is sponsoring the 5 to 6 p.m. hour. Founder & President L. Brent Bozell will be interviewed at the top of the hour, around 5:05 p.m. Please tune in to to help make From the Front Lines a stunning success and a huge morale boost to our troops serving overseas. If you cannot join us on the 26th, you can still participate in this landmark event. Click here to send a package!
G: CNBC and NY Times shed light on ethanol mafias market influence
B: CBS blames 'economic depression' for Gloucester pregnancy pact
U: yanks quake/warming story, blames AP; AP: 'Its not ours'