Networks Use Bridge Tragedy to Build Support for Higher Taxes
The media have been quick to move from a horrifying bridge collapse to calls for more government funding despite the fact that its government that maintains and inspects bridges. When private companies are involved in tragedies, the media arent so lenient.
Capitalizing on Tragedy
Journalists blame taxpayers, not government incompetence, for infrastructure problems.
G: Forbes Reports Declining Oil Prices
B: BusinessWeek Thirst for Green Water is Unquenched
U: Media Mislead Viewers with Foreclosure Data
Velshi: Gas and Oil Price Relationship Hard to Understand
ABC Hypes Market Meltdown with Misleading Data
A Bottled Water the Media Almost Like
Post Carries On about Carried Interest and Tax Loophole
Thomas Sowell: A Bridge Too Far Gone
Newsweek Clueless: How the Tail Wagged the Dog
Planet Gore on
The Universal Distraction
Dont Increase Federal Gasoline Taxes Abolish Them
CATO Institute
The Montebello Summit and the Future of North America
Aug. 13, 2007
Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C.
Freedomnomics: Why the Free Market Works and Other Half-Baked Theories
Aug. 14, 2007
Cato Institute, Washington, D.C.
Defending the American Dream Summit
Oct. 4-5, 2007
Americans for Prosperity, Washington, D.C.
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