ABC's Bill Weir Frets Over 9/12 Rally Rage and 'Anger;' Worries About Lost 'Civility'

Over the weekend, ABC provided hyperbolic, worried reporting on the 9/12 protest
in Washington D.C. And while the other networks had mixed results, Good Morning
America co-host Bill Weir opened the program on Saturday by fretting, "This
morning, outrage. Protesters descend on Washington to rally against the
President's health care plan. As civility gives way to shouting, what's fueling
all this anger?"
On Sunday's GMA, Weir spun that the protesters were "rail[ing]" against
higher taxes, government run health care and spending. Reporter Yunji de Nies
highlighted a marcher who labeled Barack Obama a "communist." She then pounced,
"Do you really believe the President is a communist?" Right after this exchange,
de Nies told viewers that those rallying "insist they're not extremists."
However, ABC should be credited for mentioning on Saturday that President
George W. Bush received some harsh protests during his two terms in office. De
Nies noted that many such protests came "from the left" and then featured video
of a liberal rally and this chant: "Who are the terrorists? The Bush
GMA's Kate Snow interviewed Senator Jim DeMint on Saturday, a speaker at the
rally. She quizzically asked, "Help us understand the sentiment in South
Carolina, in your state. Is it anger? Is it resentment of the President?" The
co-host then followed up with this query, hinting at racism as a true motive:
KATE SNOW: Talk more, though, about Representative Wilson's outburst the other night. The White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, said afterwards, that no other President has ever been treated that way, in that kind of forum. How do you interpret Emanuel's comment? Was he implying that only an African-American President would be treated this way?

Over on NBC's Saturday Nightly News, reporter Tom Costello
featured a woman who complained, "We think the Muslims are moving in and taking
over." However, anchor Amy Robach also offered this relatively fair assessment
of the marchers: "A sea of people as far as the eye could see stretched from the
Capitol to the White House today. Tens of thousands frustrated and angry over
what they feel is too much big government in their lives and a president they
don't trust in the White House."
Costello speculated that as many as "hundreds of thousands" could be the
total number for the rally: "Park police estimate the crowd at tens of
thousands, our own people think hundreds of thousands of people were here to
have a voice or to express their voice to Capitol Hill."
On Saturday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Nancy Cordes followed the lead
of ABC and NBC and pointed out the few extreme signs that could be seen at the
NANCY CORDES: Homemade signs accused Mr. Obama of socialism, communism, and worse.
UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN A: I think his agenda is to actually destroy this country.
UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN B: I've met several people from Russia here today, and they're frightened.
Saturday's Early Show managed to find no time to mention the march, even
though it was just hours away at that point.
-Scott Whitlock is a news analyst for the Media Research Center.