ABC's Diane Sawyer Touts Rachel Maddow, Hypes Objectivity: 'No One Knows My Politics'
World News anchor Diane Sawyer touted her objectivity in an interview for the
February 28 Parade
magazine. The ABC journalist seriously asserted, "I think no one knows my
politics." Continuing to hype her journalistic integrity, she proclaimed, "I
hope first of all that everyone knows that the facts are what I care about."
Sawyer also had nice things to say about far-left MSNBC host Rachel Maddow. She enthused, "And I think Rachel Maddow on MSNBC is great television. I love the expression of personality that cable invites." She did throw some praise to the Fox News channel: "I think Roger Ailes, who runs Fox News, is smart as a whip."
Sawyer may think that "no one" knows her politics, but a look at the Media
Research Center's 2009 Profile in
Bias tells a different story. While at Good Morning America, the journalist
recounted stories of dreaming about Bill Clinton and pizza. She also used poetry
to compare Hillary Clinton to Jesus Christ and wondered if America was more
racist or sexist. A sampling of some of Sawyer's "greatest hits" can be found
below. The complete Profile in Bias can be found here.
-Scott Whitlock is a news analyst for the Media Research Center. Click here to follow him on Twitter.Drooling Over Dreamy Clintons
"As we know this morning, there is another ground-breaking, crossroads moment. That is for Senator Hillary Clinton, who ran her campaign on her own terms. This woman, as we said, forged into determination and purpose her whole life. As someone said, 'No thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.'"
- ABC's Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America, June 4, 2008, quoting a 17th century discourse about Jesus Christ.
"After pepperoni pizza and banana milkshakes once, I dreamed about Bill Clinton."
- Sawyer talking with her Good Morning America co-host Charles Gibson about a study which claimed sleeping Republicans have three times as many nightmares as sleeping Democrats, July 10, 2001.
Are Americans More Sexist or More Racist?
"We have seen new polls this morning about you and Senator Hillary Clinton. Here's my question: Do you think that residual resistance is greater for race or for gender? Is the nation secretly, I guess, more racist or more sexist?"
- Sawyer to Democratic Senator Barack Obama on Good Morning America, November 13, 2006.
"Ninety percent of Americans say race and gender make absolutely no difference in their vote in the polls. I asked Senator Obama yesterday if he believes it, and he thinks it's case by case. Let me ask you, do you think that there is secret sexism, secret, secret genderism in this country?"
- Sawyer to New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd on the November 14, 2006 Good Morning America.