ABC's Sawyer Hails Obama: 'Buck Stops Here' an 'Echo of Another Young President'
Two quick items from Thursday's World News. ABC anchor Diane Sawyer heard "an echo of another young President in another time" in President Obama's "the buck stops here"
taking of responsibility for the failed Christmas Day terrorist plot as
George Stephanopoulos explained her reference: "John Kennedy after the
Bay of Pigs....The President took responsibility, his popularity shot
up. The White House is calculating with the President taking personal responsibility, they can put this behind them."
Minutes later, after a report on cold weather, Sawyer considered it evidence of "climate change." She asked Sam Champion, a global warming devotee:
"We've all been unnerved about talk about climate change. Is this one
of those strange events that signals to you, even you, this is
something brand new?" From Chicago, Champion, citing the "cold snap" in
North America, Asia and Northern Europe, concurred "it certainly is a
question that needs to be looked into."
Just another example of painting any weather condition - too hot or too cold - as evidence of "climate change."

From the Thursday, January 7 World News with Diane Sawyer:
DIANE SAWYER: George, I have to say, 'the buck stops here.' It's an echo of another young President in another time.
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: John Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs. Huge intelligence failures at the Bay of Pigs. The President took responsibility, his popularity shot up. The White House is calculating with the President taking personal responsibility, they can put this behind them.
BRIAN ROSS: Then a short time later, he fired the head of the CIA.
SAWYER: We've all been unnerved about talk about climate change. Is this one of those strange events that signals to you, even you, this is something brand new?
SAM CHAMPION: It would be difficult to make that assessment just looking at the North America cold snap, Diane. But when we know that Asia is in a cold snap, record-breaking, as well, and Northern Europe, then it certainly is a question that needs to be looked into.
- Brent Baker is Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center