Awed Actress Meryl Streep 'Star-Struck' by Barack and Michelle Obama

"Hollywood actress Meryl Streep has admitted that the only person
she has been star-struck by is U.S. President Barack Obama," an India Times item posted on Sunday reported, quoting the actress: "I went to the White House and was star-struck by our President and First Lady. Although I was also impressed by Bruce Springsteen who was there as well."
The unbylined item, which James Taranto highlighted in his "Best of the Web Today"
for the Wall Street Journal's opinion page, related how "Streep also
believes that Barack is more than capable of making the right political
choices for the U.S." She gushed:
I think it is thrilling to have someone who is thoughtful and can articulate with a certain amount of passion and dispassion, the necessary choices that we have in the world.
- Brent Baker is Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center