Biden and Bo with TV's Endearing and Cuddly Moments at the Obama White House

Never missing a chance to highlight events that make Team Obama seem
to be loveable characters, ABC and NBC on Thursday night showcased
endearing and cuddly moments with Joe Biden and First Dog Bo. You can
decide which one is endearing and which one is cuddly.
ABC's Diane Sawyer took time to marvel at how "we heard on The View
today that it was the President who told" Joe Biden "we heard" Biden
calling "the health care reform a big you know what deal" when "of
course he didn't know that his microphone was so sensitive," and NBC's
Brian Williams showed video of Bo barking at First Lady Michelle Obama:
If you're a dog owner, then you know there are times when they want your attention and they do not like that you're talking to other people or doing something else. It only means that you are not loving them at that given moment. Well, that's pretty much what happened today with the Obama's dog Bo while the First Lady was talking about her life and her job with some visiting students.
(Later, Williams featured a full story on Google's "earth-friendly
lawn care" solution - goats - as Anne Thompson gushed "this is one
time speed doesn't matter at Google as it opts for an animal footprint
instead of a carbon one.")
Back to Bo, NBC Nightly News viewers saw video of Michelle Obama,
with Bo, in front of a group of kids:
The notion of being First Lady of the United States, you know, there have never been anybody in my race who had been here. [To a barking Bo] I know. I know. All right. You're going to have to go. You ready to go? Are you ready to go?
Williams added: "The kids all got to pet Bo. They were there, by the
way, as part of take our daughters and sons to work day. We also learned
today that daughter Malia's issue is saving the world's tigers and the
First Lady, put it gently, that they talk about that issue as a family
these days at least once a week."
From the April 22 World News on ABC:
DIANE SAWYER: Remember when Vice President Biden called the health care reform a big you know what deal? Of course he didn't know that his microphone was so sensitive. We heard on The View today that it was the President who told him, we heard it.
JOE BIDEN, ON THE VIEW: And we gotten off in the limo to go over to another event. And he was laughing like the devil. I said, "what's so funny? I don't see anything funny about this." And he said, well, he said, "Katie, my secretary, told me when you said that to me, everybody could hear it." I was, "oh, God all mighty."
Earlier: "Enchanted Matthews Holds Up His Own 'Health Reform Is a
BFD' T-Shirt"
- Brent Baker is Vice President for Research and Publications at
the Media Research Center. Click
here to follow him on Twitter.