Bill Press on Midterms: 'The Voters Have Spoken. What a Bunch of Idiots.'

Bill Press says what most liberals in the media will only shroud in cryptic
code: the voters who swept Democrats out of power in the House are stupid.
During the first hour of his eponymous radio program on Friday, Press wished more
liberal politicians would just say what they really think about the constituents
they ostensibly serve: "Just once - probably never get reelected if you ever
said it - I would like to hear somebody say, 'The voters have spoken, the
The left-wing talk show host suggested a few variations of the insult:
"Or, 'The voters have spoken. What a bunch of idiots.'"
"The voters have spoken. God, they're dumb. Dumb as hell."
Liberals in the media have repeatedly
made the case that the Democrats's dismal approving ratings can be attributed to
poor messaging, not that the voters get the message loud and clear but reject
the liberal agenda behind it.
Some have taken this argument a step further, arguing that congressional
Democrats have languished because their agenda hasn't been liberal
enough. But Press is one of those special liberals in the media who cuts
through this circuitous argument and tells it like it is: the voters reject
liberalism simply because they are knuckle-dragging Neanderthals. [Audio
"I just wish I'd hear somebody say that, because I think that happens to be
the case this particular midterm elections," Press concluded.
- Alex Fitzsimmons is an intern for the Media Research Center